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De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy

October 28, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In 2016 I created a workshop to help people understand the U.S.’s violent foreign policy and see how we might de-militarize it.  I created a handout for people to use during the workshop, and so people anywhere at any time can walk themselves through the process. Here is a link so you can do that:  De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy — WORKSHOP Handout for Participants and Others    

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Trump provokes NEW NUCLEAR ARMS RACE AND WAR by pulling out of the 1987 INF treaty that Reagan + Gorbachev signed.

October 23, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Since 1987 the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty has reduced tensions between the U.S. and Russia and allowed both nations to reduce the danger of nuclear war. Trump pulled out of the INF treaty, so a NEW NUCLEAR ARMS RACE IS LIKELY — and Trump has INCREASED THE LIKELIHOOD OF NUCLEAR WAR. Both the U.S. and Russia want to build new, destabilizing nuclear weapons that are likely to make it more likely for a nuclear war to begin, either intentionally or by mistake or miscalculation or accident. Here are several good sources of information.  We must push Congress hard to […]

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Vote for Tye Menser. The Republican-funded postcard is a LIE trying to deceive you.

October 23, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

On Friday and Saturday October 19 and 20 many thousands of Thurston County residents received in the mail a slick postcard that is TRYING TO DECEIVE AND TRICK YOU into opposing Tye Menser, the excellent Democrat running to replace Bud Blake as a County Commissioner in Thurston County. The postcard scam was devised by a right-wing extremist (Glen Morgan), who has a long history of lying and deceiving the public in electoral matters.  He created a phony organization that claims to be “progressive,” when it is actually a front for right-wing dirty tricks intended to trick voters here and in […]

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Insights into evangelical Christians who sold their souls to Trump

October 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This article dated October 14, 2018, is titled, “The Retribution for Evangelicals Who Sold Their Souls to Trump Is Coming.” It lays out the problem but does not do much about the “retribution” part of the title. Near the end of my November 2018 TV program (and in the essay about it that I’ll post to my blog in late October) I mention that during the 1970s and 1980s the Religious Right and the Republican Party actually merged into one movement so the Republican Party could capture and dominate a huge political base, and so the Religious Right would have […]

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More oil trains for the U.S. and Canada, but Trump REDUCES SAFETY protections.

October 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump repeatedly shows his UTTER CONTEMPT for the environment and for human beings. Exploding oil trains and public pressure caused Obama to create rules to make oil trains less dangerous.  Now Trump has SCRAPPED those safety rules, sharply increasing the dangers of oil trains to crash and explode. While more oil is being moved by railroads, the Trump regime is rolling back safety regulations.  Expect more oil train derailments, explosions, and so forth.  See information at this link: There is NO LEGITIMATE REASON to deliberately make railroad transportation more dangerous.   Oil trains have derailed and exploded.  Our safety […]

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Sign petition now. Trump supports Saudi Arabia’s cruelty and its passion for a war against Iran.

October 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump has denied having business dealings with Saudi Arabia, but he really does have significant business dealings with them. He has been very subservient to Saudi Arabia’s interests and has curried favor with that nation’s cruel despotic leaders. Saudi Arabia (which is Sunni) has been strongly opposing Iran (which is largely Shia), and they are fighting proxy wars in Yemen and elsewhere.  Saudi Arabia wants a war against Iran, and it is urging Trump to start one.  Trump also is very subservient to the militaristic government of Israel, which also wants a war against Iran (in addition to practicing genocide […]

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URGENT! Demand your U.S. Senators to co-sponsor S. 3517: PREVENT a war against Iran.

October 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump’s EXTREME CRUELTY and MEGALOMANIA and NARCISSM cause him to think he will be a “big shot” if he attacks Iran. Trump keeps laying the groundwork for starting a TOTALLY UNNECESSARY AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL WAR. Our U.S. Senators must act responsibly to PREVENT Trump’s war against Iran.  PLEASE urge your U.S. Senators to co-sponsor S. 3517, the “Prevention of Unconstitutional War with Iran Act.”  S. 3517 would ban the use of funding for attacking Iran. PLEASE send a strong message to your senators. You can e-mail them through their websites, and and/or phone them:  Murray (202) 224-2621 or […]

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Vote for Tye Menser for County Commissioner!!! Stop a right-winger’s lying!!!

October 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Glen Morgan, a notorious right-wing extremist with a long history of lying and abusing democracy mailed some election propaganda to everybody in Thurston County.  DO NOT LET THAT NOTORIOUS LIAR mislead you!!! That right-winger (Glen Morgan) created a PHONY organization that claims to be progressive, but is actually a front that is LYING TO THE PUBLIC in order to defeat a progressive Democrat (Tye Menser) running for Thurston County Commissioner. The propaganda mailing is trying to CONFUSE AND MISLEAD people by urging a write-in campaign for EJ Zita instead of Tye Menser.  If people fall for that lie, that could […]

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More info: WA State death penalty is ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL

October 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In some previous communications I made a typographical error in the date when the Washington State Supreme Court ruled our state’s death penalty unconstitutional.  It happened on Thursday October 11, 2018.  I don’t know how I mistakenly had typed October 6 in some things you might have seen.   Here are some additional sources of information reporting on the big news.   An excellent Quaker-based non-profit organization (Friends Committee on National Legislation — FCNL cited a news article from National Public Radio (NPR) about Washington State’s death penalty being struck down.  See this link:   The national level […]

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Washington State’s death penalty is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Our State Supreme Court ruled UNANIMOUSLY on Oct. 11, 2018.

October 12, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Wednesday October 10 was the World Day Against the Death Penalty.  One day later big news happened in Washington State USA. On Thursday October 11, 2018, Washington State’s Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty is unconstitutional in the way it’s used here. The Court ordered that the sentences of people currently on death row are converted to life in prison.  I learned about this State Supreme Court case (State v. Gregory) in May 2016. We were expecting a decision in November 2016 or soon after. Allen Eugene Gregory, who had been convicted of murder and sentenced to die, had […]

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Kick billionaires off welfare!

October 12, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders introduced legislation that deserves our support.  It would require big profitable businesses to EITHER pay their workers a living wage OR pay for the public assistance (welfare, food stamps, public housing, government-funded medical care, etc.) that the employees need. Bernie Sanders named the bill after the richest man in the history of the world, Jeff Bezos (worth $158 BILLION with wealth increasing by $260 MILLION every day).  Sanders calls his bill the  Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies (BEZOS) Act. Jeff Bezos is on welfare!  Ordinary people are subsidizing him by making up the difference […]

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Click to sign petition against first use of nuclear weapons

October 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Many Americans think the U.S.’s nuclear weapons are intended for our defense — to retaliate in case another nation starts to attack us.  Actually, for half a century the U.S. has designed and built nuclear weapons SPECIFICALLY to be used FIRST to BEGIN nuclear war.  The U.S. has long had a policy allowing FIRST-STRIKE to BEGIN a nuclear war. Now — under Obama and under Trump — the U.S. is planning to build expensive new FIRST-STRIKE nuclear weapons. Also, ever since 1945, the U.S. has allowed a president to UNILATERALLY DECIDE whether to start a nuclear war.  This VIOLATES the […]

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Thomas Merton’s quotation about the violence in American culture

October 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Thomas Merton, the pacifist philosopher, theologian and mystic, wrote this (probably during the 1960s): “The real focus of American violence is in the very culture itself, its mass media, its extreme individualism and competitiveness, its inflated myths of virility and toughness, and its overwhelming preoccupation with the power of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological, and psychological overkill. If we live in what is essentially a culture of overkill, how can we be surprised at finding violence in it? Can we get to the root of the trouble? In my opinion, the best way to do it would have been the classic way […]

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To Achieve Social Justice, We Must De-Polarize Our Society

October 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Oppressors like to use a “divide-and-conquer” strategy in order to keep the oppressed people from joining together to empower themselves to nonviolently fight against the oppressors. We need to recognize that tactic and refuse to let oppressors polarize us by race or religion or sexual orientation or any other factor. I wrote this article in 2018 and encourage people to read it and use its insights to de-polarize our society so we can join together to work for social justice: De-Polarize    

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“Let’s Understand the Islamic Faith”

October 1, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series helps us understand the Islamic faith. Islam is the world’s second most popular religion, but most Americans who are not Muslim do not understand it.  Many of the things Americans think they know about Islam are not actually true.  I invite you to watch this TV interview with three knowledgeable, articulate Muslims so you will gain a clear and accurate understanding. See the link below to watch the program — and the link below that to read a thorough summary of what we said and a list of sources for […]