Click to sign petition against first use of nuclear weapons

Many Americans think the U.S.’s nuclear weapons are intended for our defense — to retaliate in case another nation starts to attack us.  Actually, for half a century the U.S. has designed and built nuclear weapons SPECIFICALLY to be used FIRST to BEGIN nuclear war.  The U.S. has long had a policy allowing FIRST-STRIKE to BEGIN a nuclear war.

Now — under Obama and under Trump — the U.S. is planning to build expensive new FIRST-STRIKE nuclear weapons.

Also, ever since 1945, the U.S. has allowed a president to UNILATERALLY DECIDE whether to start a nuclear war.  This VIOLATES the Constitutional requirement that ONLY CONGRESS can declare war.

The peace movement is organizing vigorously against both of those reckless policies.  Many peace organizations have started petitions that you can sign online to oppose these.  In early October 2018 one relatively new organization (Beyond the Bomb) has such a petition at  I signed it and hope you will too.  The direct link is


I signed and hope you will too.
Simply add your own name and contact info instead of mine. Then click to send.

About GlenAnderson 1515 Articles
Since the late 1960s Glen Anderson has devoted his life to working as a volunteer for peace, nonviolence, social justice, and progressive political issues. He has worked through many existing organizations and started several. Over the years he has worked especially for such wide-ranging goals as making peace with Vietnam, eliminating nuclear weapons, converting from a military economy to a peacetime economy, abolishing the death penalty, promoting nonviolence at all levels throughout society, and helping people organize and strategize for grassroots movements to solve many kinds of problems. He writes, speaks, and conducts training workshops on a wide variety of topics. Since 1987 he has produced and hosted a one-hour cable TV interview program on many kinds of issues. Since 2017 he has blogged at He lives in Lacey near Olympia WA. You can reach him at (360) 491-9093