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Here is a strategically smart way toward abolishing nuclear weapons and converting to a peaceful foreign policy.

January 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Please see the one-page document I wrote at the link below. Nuclear weapons persist after 70+ years because they are rooted in the same deep-seated problems that plague U.S. foreign policy overall. In order to abolish nuclear weapons, we must see the deeply entrenched problems that have propped up nuclear weapons – and also propped up U.S. foreign policy overall. For that purpose, I created the attached document that could guide a group discussion (or even individual thoughtfulness) toward devising strategically smart ways to move toward peace. I’d be happy to facilitate a discussion in order to help the Olympia […]

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Sign this to urge 2020 presidential candidates to call for a PEACEFUL FOREIGN POLICY

January 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Candidates keep pretending that domestic issues are all that matters. We must strongly urge candidates to prioritize PEACE in their campaign platforms.  This is especially true for PRESIDENTIAL candidates! The organization sponsoring this petition ( is an excellent advocate for peace. I signed this petition to raise the peace issue in the presidential campaign, and I hope you will sign it too:      

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Some of Congress’s Democratic leaders are TOO TIMID to represent their political base.

January 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Senate Democrats appointed an ANTI-CLIMATE, PRO-COAL Democrat to the Senate’s energy committee.  This article provides information:   Public opinion polls show HUGE MAJORITIES of Democrats, Republicans and Independents want a Green New Deal, but Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the U.S. House’s new Majority Leader, is trying to bury it.  See info in this article: Public opinion polls show HUGE MAJORITIES of Democrats, Republicans and Independents want a Green New Deal, but Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the U.S. House’s next Majority Leader, is trying to bury it.   Democrats just blocked the push for a Green New Deal Committee.  See […]

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I’m building a Big Beautiful Wall around my yard to keep Republicans out!

January 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Although Trump claims that immigrants endanger our national security, and that Mexicans are rapists and murderers, the reality is that immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans who were born here. Ironically, many serious crimes have been committed by Trump himself and by the crooks he has hired to work for his 2016 campaign or in his administration. Many have pled guilty, and many others have been prosecuted and convicted.  Many others are being investigated and will likely be prosecuted and convicted.  In addition, many have broken ethics rules and federal regulations about conflicts of interest, waste of our tax dollars, […]

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Our systems are not “broken.” They’re working as intended. They are DELIBERATELY UNFAIR.

January 3, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

People keep saying that our nation’s systems are “broken.”  That is misleading.  They are NOT “broken.”  They are WORKING AS INTENDED!  They are DELIBERATELY UNFAIR! On issue after issue, politicians, mainstream media, and the general public keep saying that our systems are “broken.”  But if you look at how they are actually functioning — WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DO — and WHAT THEY ARE PREVENTING — and WHO HAS THE POWER and WHO BENEFITS from the status quo — you’ll see that these systems are NOT really “broken.”  They are serving the rich and the powerful and preventing the changes that […]

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UNDERSTAND and SOLVE the U.S.’s extreme political crisis

January 2, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is experiencing the most serious political crisis in our nation’s history. Even during the Civil War, although the slave-owning states tried to break away, the rest of the U.S. still believed in democracy (although even the North did not practice it well enough).  Now Big Money has corrupted elections, and in some states the Republican Party is deliberately preventing some kinds of people from voting, and in some states that party is refusing to respect the voters’ decisions. Political corruption has occurred in some ways over the years, but now the person in the White House is blatantly […]

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“Solving Local Environmental Problems”

December 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The January 2019 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series (see below for info about watching it through your computer or TCTV channel 22) helps us understand and solve some environmental problems in the Olympia area, especially in the Deschutes River, Capitol Lake, Budd Inlet, Puget Sound, and the surrounding land areas. This program’s scientific insights will also help people elsewhere to understand and solve their local problems.  We clearly explain the science so anyone can understand the problems and the solutions we propose. Two very knowledgeable guests help us explore these problems and solutions: Sue Patnude has a master’s […]

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The VERY BEST, MOST PROFOUND critique of Trumpism & our current crisis I’ve EVER seen!!!

December 23, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Chris Hedges is an amazingly knowledgeable and insightful journalist who writes thought-provoking — and sometimes disturbing — articles about our nation and the world we live in. Just before the November 2018 election, Chris Hedges spoke to an audience.  He provided BY FAR THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE and MOST PROFOUND analysis of Trumpism and the U.S.’s current crisis that I have EVER seen! What we’re experiencing is far from “politics as usual,” so merely electing Democrats is NOT anywhere near what we need. Chris Hedges’ speech begins by explaining how economic elites have severed social relationships and social sustainability in order to […]

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Trump can launch nuclear weapons whenever he wants — with or without Mattis. URGE CONGRESS TO FIX THAT!!!!

December 23, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Washington DC’s foreign policy establishment is upset that Trump’s Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis resigned.  Those folks felt that Mattis was the only “adult” restraining Trump from reckless actions against other nations, such as launching nuclear weapons in a “first-strike.” This article by experts Bruce Blair and Jon Wolfsthal says that no Secretary of Defense can stop an impulsive President: James “Mad Dog” Mattis is an EXTREME HAWK who has said that he enjoys killing people in war. He is the kind of extremist that Trump kept appointing to powerful positions. Yet this war-hungry extremist was considered […]

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Protect Immigrant Rights: Watch TV interview video. Read summary of what we said — and links to info resources.

December 23, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Every few years I produce another TV interview about immigrants’ rights.  I’ll post my January 2020 TV program to this blog in late December 2019 as part of my “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series. My previous interview about immigrants was the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s May 2017 TV program “Protect Immigrant Rights” featuring three local persons who are volunteering with local efforts. To watch the video, CLICK THIS LINK:  WATCH VIDEO HERE To read a thorough summary of what we said, CLICK THIS LINK: Program-Summary-May-2017 (3) The thorough summary includes links to more information.   ALSO SEE THIS:  On Sunday […]

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I-1631 and I-1634 show that we need to “re-frame” the public’s understanding of taxes.

December 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

“Special interests” with their Big Money deceived Washington State’s voters in the November 2018 election to defeat a good initiative that would have helped the climate — and to pass an initiative that protects giant food corporations from local democracy.  Those “special interests” with their Big Money used anti-tax messaging to defeat I-1631 and to pass I-1634. It’s easy for extremely rich funders to buy huge amounts of advertising and propaganda with simplistic “anti-tax” messaging. That message taps into many people’s latent biases, just like nationalistic and racist messages tap into many people’s latent biases. Regarding taxes – like so […]

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Trump escalates his war on science and on scientists

December 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Ever since taking office in January 2017, Trump has been making war against truth, including scientific truth and scientists themselves.  He has been following Orwell’s 1984 novel in eliminating truthful information he does not want.  In the book it was destroyed in ways that Orwell could imagine, and now Trump is eliminating truth (including scientific truth) by deleting it from websites and prohibiting Executive Branch professionals from using certain words that Trump does not like. Climate denialism and other phony-baloney nonsense have become orthodox.  Honest professional scientists are censored and demoted and hushed up in other ways. This article from […]

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Trump pulls U.S. out of United Nations Human Rights Council

December 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In late June 2018 Trump took yet another cruel and reckless action to violate international human rights and make the U.S. a “rogue nation.”  He withdrew the U.S. from the United Nations Human Rights Council. This very short article announced it but did not say much: This article says more.  It says Trump pulled the U.S. out because the U.N. Human Rights Council criticized Israel’s government.  Israel and a right-wing Republican senator from South Carolina praised Trump’s move, but China and various world leaders expressed disappointment, said Trump’s move hurts peace, etc.: The following article says more.  It […]

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Rescue U.S. foreign policy from ALL hawks including Trump

December 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

News coverage about General Mattis’s resignation as Secretary of Defense is surreal. They keep saying that Mattis was a stabilizing “adult” in Trump’s regime. But Mattis is an EXTREME HAWK known as “Mad Dog.”  He resigned because Trump decided to remove U.S. troops from Syria and to reduce U.S. troops in Afghanistan.  Those are small steps in the right direction.  Trump is no dove, but these modest steps reduce the reckless hawkishness in U.S. foreign policy. When Mattis resigns over those modest steps – and when mainstream media and bi-partisan members of Congress support Mattis’s extreme hawkishness instead of Trump’s […]