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Trump destroys YET ANOTHER peace treaty. It has kept peace for 3 decades.

May 23, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump REPEATEDLY makes decisions that make nuclear war more likely! Since 1992 the Open Skies Treaty has been reducing the danger of war for three decades by allowing the U.S., Russia, and other nations to fly over each other’s military facilities in order to monitor them and make sure neither nation was violating peace treaties, etc. Now Trump has announced that he is withdrawing from this treaty. Trump’s withdrawal will occur in mid-November, unless a sensible person is elected to replace Trump and restore this treaty. Originally President Eisenhower had conceived of the idea in the 1950s. The treaty was […]

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Hot news about Trump’s scam about Hydroxychloroquine

May 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump has been VIGOROUSLY promoting Hydroxycholoroquine  REPEATEDLY in his official presidential TV broadcasts. Recently it was reported that Trump owns part of a company that makes the snake oil medicine he has been VIGOROUSLY promoting. He was using his power as President of the U.S. to make presidential briefings on nationwide TV networks about the Coronavirus pandemic that is devastating our nation.  But — instead of providing truthful information — he turned these nationwide broadcasts into “INFO-MERCIALS” in which Trump (a notorious liar and pitch-man for his many fraudulent business scams) promoted what could be called a “snake oil: medicine made […]

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U.S.’s democracy and social justice are worse than many nations. U.S.’s corruption is very high.

May 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Americans — especially politicians — brag that the U.S. is the best nation in the world.  They brag that our democracy is a shining beacon of liberty for the rest of the world to emulate.  The truth is VERY DIFFERENT from that propaganda.   This article documents the facts that the U.S. ranks low in worldwide assessments in democracy – and high in corruption:   Social Justice Index ranks U.S. 36th out of 41 developed nations: The five Nordic countries (Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland) ranked ahead of all other nations. The U.S. ranked 36th out of 41 […]

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U.S. ranks low among rich nations on several measures of well-being, so we were already weak when COVID-19 hit — and are slow to recover from it.

May 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Four months after the November 2016 election, it was clear what Trump and Congress’s Republicans would do.  Here is what I had written in March 2017 to expose the “Make America Great” baloney: The new administration and Congress want to weaken or abolish many laws and regulations that have been protecting the environment. This would cause more pollution. A polluted nation is not “great.” A polluted nation is dirty, and it makes people sick. If we want our nation to be “great,” we must demand that governments at all levels – federal, state and local – take strong actions to […]

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During our TWO CRISES (the pandemic and Trumpism), we can use this HUMOR …

May 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Cartoon: Coronavirus and November’s election:     Cartoon about Trump’s latest miracle cure:     Cartoon: A Calvinesque and Hobbesian look at fighting a pandemic:     Enjoy this wonderful song parody on Trump and the Coronavirus: This 3-minute video is another great song parody by Randy Rainbow:        

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Urge Congress to STOP ARMING nations that abuse human rights!

May 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

On May 13, 2020, a smart, savvy non-profit organization that works for peace — World BEYOND War ( — urges us to persuade Congress to pass the Stop Arming Human Rights Abusers Act. HERE IS WHAT THEY SAID (edited here for brevity): The U.S. government, according to its own reporting, accounts for 66% of all the weapons exported to the least democratic quintile of nations on earth. Of the 50 most oppressive governments identified by a U.S.-government-funded study, the U.S. arms 82% of them. The Stop Arming Human Rights Abusers Act (H.R. 5880) would prevent U.S. weapons sales to nations […]

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This context explains Trump’s refusal to protect us from Coronavirus and Trump’s destruction of governmental functioning

May 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

You already know that Trump and his entire Executive Branch have utterly refused to deal effectively with the Coronavirus pandemic. The reason is NOT ONLY because they are stupid and incompetent. Another crucially important reason for their failure is that Trump and Republicans believe the government should NOT solve problems and should NOT help people. They have been SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYING GOVERNMENT bit by bit. We see it especially now.   I wrote a SHORT ARTICLE explaining this: Our society is suffering in many, many ways. The problems are all around us — and they are interconnected. They are rooted in […]

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“The Lawbreaker-in-Chief”

May 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

A recent issue of The Progressive magazine ( (I didn’t write down which month in late 2019 or early 2020) reported this during the timer when Trump’s impeachment was underway: “Donald Trump and his allies like to throw around terms like ‘witch-hunt’ when talking about the ongoing impeachment probe. In fact, there are innumerable instances in which the President appears to have actually broken existing laws. Here are some of them:   U.S. Constitution’s foreign emoluments clause: It is illegal for any U.S. federal office-holder to accept anything of value from any foreign official or government: Trump, who calls this […]

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A Muslim woman replied cleverly to a man’s anti-Muslim tweet

May 13, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Recently a man sent this anti-Muslim tweet: You think COVID-19 is bad?  Give me a break.  Wait until Mislims hit critical mass in America.  You’ll look back on these times fondly.   A Muslim woman replied with this tweet: Sweetie everyone’s already washing their hands five+ times a day, covering their face, not shaking hands + avoiding bars.  Not only are we already here, you’re all Muslim.  Salam brother.        

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Trump acts like a neo-fascist dictator. Here are a few articles from April and early May 2020.

May 13, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Everybody knows the old story about putting a frog in water and warming it slowly enough that the frog won’t notice the change from one moment to the next, so it won’t jump out of the water, but after a while the frog has been cooked to death. That familiar story seems to pertain to the U.S. under Trump and his loyal supporters in the Executive Branch and Congress.  Here are some alarming stories about what Trump and Trumpism are doing to our nation:   How Trump is turning the American presidency into a dictatorship:   The U.S. is […]

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Amnesty International produced THIS REPORT on death sentences and executions WORLDWIDE

May 13, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Amnesty International has about 60 years of experience working worldwide for human rights. Among their many concerns, they have a long history of opposing the death penalty. In 2020 they produced this report on death sentences and executions WORLDWIDE:        

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Stop Thurston County’s new prison for women

May 13, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE IN PRISON! A sensible approach would be to REDUCE THE NUMBER of people in prison. Instead, a plan is underway to BUILD A BIGGER PRISON for women, to be located in the southern part of Thurston County. The attached information summarizes reasons for opposing a NEW PRISON for women in southern Thurston County WA.  The meeting this attachment announces has passed, but we still need public opposition. See information in this attachment: New prison in Thurston County for women