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TV: “How to REALLY Make America Great”

November 16, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview that counters Trump’s “make America great” sloganeering with more realistic, humane and effective ways to REALLY improve our nation.  This was Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s April 2017 TV program. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s April 2017 TV program proposes how to move from the status quo to a better future. Simplistic political propaganda has created a mess, but our five guests propose meaningful solutions for our nation’s problems. Trump campaigned to “make America great again.” What does he mean by the word “again”? • When white men had exclusive power to dominate women and people of […]

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TV: “Protect immigrant Rights”

November 16, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about the legal dangers immigrants (especially those without documentation) are facing in the U.S. — and about efforts locally and nationwide to protect those rights.  The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s May 2017 TV program was taped in April 2017, and the news has continuously changed, so when you watch this now some time later things might be different, but much of what we said during this hour is stable over time. Three guests  help us explore this topic. All three are active with the local Olympia effort called “Strengthening Sanctuary,” which protects immigrant rights. • Joanna […]

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TV: “Reform Elections! Restore Democracy!”

November 16, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about how to improve democracy by reforming several aspects of our electoral systems. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s July 2017 TV program explores how our nation conducts elections. We identify several kinds of problems and propose solutions that would increase democracy and fairness. The U.S. officially brags about being the world’s greatest democracy, but: • Voter turnout in the U.S. is low compared to other nations. • Rich people and big business fund campaigns that result in governmental corruption. • Most Americans express disgust that the people we elect do not represent us well. • People […]

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TV: “Why Universal Single-Payer Health Care Is the Real Solution”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The health care crisis is so timely now that the Olympia FOR’s August 2017’s program is the one we had aired during December 2015. Although Obama’s Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) helped in some ways, it has failed to cover many millions of Americans and failed to control costs. Republicans are trying to repeal the ACA for right-wing reasons. The real solution is universal single-payer health care, which other modern countries use to produce far better results at far lower cost. Olympia FOR’s August 2017 TV program – also watchable through our website – proposes universal single-payer as the real remedy […]

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TV: “Political Despair or Empowerment: It’s Your Choice!”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about how to cope with the political despair so many people are feeling after the November 2016 election. This month we’ll discuss the anxiety, fear and despair that many Americans are feeling about our nation’s current political crisis – and what we can do about that.  Many people have been alarmed by the cruel attacks coming from the federal government and other right-wing sources. As a result, some people feel overwhelmed with anxiety, fear and despair. Besides doing things to take care of ourselves, many Americans also are choosing to empower ourselves, work together, and use […]

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TV: “Better Strategies about Democracy, Fossil Fuels, etc.”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview with two guests from the Seattle-based non-profit organization, the Sightline Institute (, who share their expertise about preventing fossil fuels’ damage to our environment and climate, organizing opposition to fossil fuels at local levels, reforming several aspects of our electoral systems in order to protect democracy from big money and partisan manipulation, etc.  Our guests are Tarika Powell and Margaret Morales.  They offer smart insights into the issues and how to reach out to the public and engage the public to help us work on the issues. This was Olympia FOR’s October 2017 TV program. To […]

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TV: “Urge Local Governments to Meet Climate Goals”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about how to make practical progress toward protecting the climate by researching greenhouse emissions at local levels, engaging local people (including kids), and organizing to urge local governments to take specific bold actions to meet climate goals. The smart advice “Think globally — Act locally” pertains very well to the climate crisis. Our November 2017 TV interview explores how people can work locally to protect the climate – especially by urging our local governments to take strong actions at the local level.  We approach this topic from several angles. We consider specific actions local governments anywhere […]

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TV: “Solutionary Rail”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about an exciting and creative opportunity to accomplish many positive changes in our society by electrifying our nationwide train system and reducing the use of heavy trucks.  This is Olympia FOR’s December 2017 TV program. “Solutionary Rail” would reduce fossil fuel use and protect our environment, climate, and public health. It would create jobs and help local communities throughout our nation.  The website promoting it – – describes it as “a people-powered campaign to electrify America’s railroads and open corridors to a clean energy future.” I agree with that summary, and Solutionary Rail offers many […]

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TV: “Nuclear Weapons and Nonviolent Resistance at Ground Zero”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about nuclear weapons and nonviolent efforts to resist them, based at the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action ( next to the Trident nuclear weapons base at Bangor in Kitsap County WA.  Our guests are the Rev. Anne Hall, David Hall, M.D., and Brian Watson, three of Ground Zero’s very active participants.  Click THIS to watch the interview.

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TV: “Nuclear Weapons”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about nuclear weapons.  Three guests from Olympia WA share information and insights.  They are TJ Johnson, Alice Zillah, and Bernie Meyer.  This was Olympia FOR’s April 2009 TV program.  Click THIS to watch the interview.

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TV: “Nuclear Weapons Threaten Life and Waste Money”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about nuclear weapons. Two expert guests from the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (next to the Trident nuclear submarine base) bring us up to date and help us think more clearly about the issues.  Host Glen Anderson interviews two guests: Tom Rogers served in the Navy for 32 years on submarines and retired as a captain.  He commanded a nuclear attack submarine during the Cold War.  Now he volunteers actively to stop nuclear weapons. Leonard Eiger has a professional background in public health. For a number of years he has worked to abolish nuclear weapons, […]

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TV: “The U.S. Is Risking Nuclear War with Russia over Ukraine”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about U.S. meddling in Ukraine and U.S. provocation against Russia — and the danger of a nuclear war resulting from this.  This was Olympia FO’s July 2015 TV program.  Click THIS to watch the interview.  To rea a thorough summary of what we said, click Program Description — July 2015 formatted.

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TV: “Confronting the New Nuclear Arms Race”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch 1-hour interview about current and increasing dangers from nuclear weapons and new efforts to roll back those dangers.  This was Olympia FOR’s June 2017 TV program.  Click THIS to watch the interview.  To read a thorough summary of what we said, click THIS.