“No First Use” of nuclear weapons. SEE this information. SIGN these petitions.

On June 16, Biden and Putin will hold their first summit.  For many years Russia has pledged NOT to use nuclear weapons first, but the U.S. has NEVER made such a pledge.  See the information here – and sign this petition – urging Biden and Putin to AGREE on a “NO FIRST USE” pledge:  https://mailchi.mp/baselpeaceoffice.org/invitation-to-endorse-a-no-first-use-appeal-to-presidents-biden-and-putin?e=dfcf1cbcd3


Many experts have been writing articles explaining how Biden’s foreign policy is largely indistinguishable from Trump’s.  Biden is supporting and funding many of the weapons – including NUCLEAR weapons – that Trump supported.  Please click to sign this message urging Biden to pledge “NO FIRST USE”:  Sign now!


On April 15, 2021, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Adam Smith reintroduced the No First Use Act, which would officially establish that the United States policy is to not use nuclear weapons as a means of warfare first. This legislation is vitally important to reduce the risks of nuclear war.  Please urge your members of Congress to support for No First Use:  https://www.psr.org/blog/representative-smith-and-senator-warren-reintroduce-the-no-first-use-act/?emci=52e76815-41a1-eb11-85aa-0050f237abef&emdi=776869c2-9fa7-eb11-85aa-0050f237abef&ceid=135885


Here is more information – and another petition – about the “No First Use Act” that Sen. Warren and Rep. Smith introduced:

Under current policy, the United States could start a nuclear war at any time. We know that even in a limited nuclear exchange there is no winner – the whole world loses and millions lose their lives. The notion that any one person or nation, regardless of character or party affiliation, could have such vast power to end life on Earth is appalling in the best of times — let alone during a global pandemic! There are no circumstances under which the U.S. should start a nuclear war, and it’s time that a policy of No First Use is the law! Today we are asking elected officials and YOU – their constituents – to join us in standing for No First Use.

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Adam Smith introduced a bill that would make it the policy of the United States not to use nuclear weapons first. Your Representatives should support it! Why No First Use? Here are five reasons that we stand for No First Use:

  1. There are no circumstances in which the United States could use nuclear weapons first without suffering horrific consequences and inflicting the loss of millions of innocent lives. Retaining that suicidal option only encourages other countries to do the same.
  2. No individual or Congressional body – by intention or miscalculation – should ever be able to threaten the annihilation of states and cities.
  3. We need to disincentivize the demand for a nuclear arsenal that costs us trillions of dollars and could be going to the actual needs of our communities: healthcare, education, housing, solutions to the climate crisis, and much more.
  4. Nuclear detonation anywhere in the world, by any actor, would drastically elevate the role of the military globally and fundamentally weaken the ability of civil society to advocate for their communities and causes.
  5. A No First Use policy would in no way reduce our ability to deter nuclear-armed adversaries who fear a nuclear counterattack.

Now is the time for society to act together — civil society groups, Members of Congress, faith leaders, and everyday people. Sign the petition: Demand Congress add checks and balances to our nuclear system and enact No First Use! Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action is a sponsor of this campaign.


Please sign this petition also urging Congress to pass the “No First Use Act”:  Click here to send a message to your legislators asking them to cosponsor No First Use.


And also sign this message to Congress:  https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-your-officials-its-time-to-make-no-first-use-the-law?source=email&


And here is another organization’s opportunity to tell Congress to support No First Use:  https://beyondthebomb.org/campaigns/tell-your-representative-to-support-no-first-use-hold-the-lyne-and-restricting-nuclear-first-use/?link_id=0&can_id=1d662460c0abb8939c5044c82927552b&source=email-now-is-our-moment-write-your-rep-about-no-first-use&email_referrer=email_1144012___subject_1524296&email_subject=now-is-our-moment-write-your-rep-about-no-first-use


Another savvy organization issued this statement about No First Use:  https://www.globalzero.org/no-first-use/


A few weeks ago I posted this to my blog and e-mailed it to many people, but if you didn’t read it or act upon it, here it is again now:  The document I linked here pertains to No First Use and other information.  It includes information about the Warren/Smith legislation.  Many public policies and pieces of legislation about nuclear weapons need our action now!

Ordinary Americans want peace, but BOTH of the big political parties keep supporting and funding nuclear weapons, regardless of which party is in the White House or which party runs Congress.  I have been updating the attached document that urges us to inform ourselves and take action about a number of very important pieces of federal legislation and related policies.  I am attaching this document to this e-mail:  Nuclear Weapons legislation and policies need our action now — Updated to May 9 2021





About GlenAnderson 1515 Articles
Since the late 1960s Glen Anderson has devoted his life to working as a volunteer for peace, nonviolence, social justice, and progressive political issues. He has worked through many existing organizations and started several. Over the years he has worked especially for such wide-ranging goals as making peace with Vietnam, eliminating nuclear weapons, converting from a military economy to a peacetime economy, abolishing the death penalty, promoting nonviolence at all levels throughout society, and helping people organize and strategize for grassroots movements to solve many kinds of problems. He writes, speaks, and conducts training workshops on a wide variety of topics. Since 1987 he has produced and hosted a one-hour cable TV interview program on many kinds of issues. Since 2017 he has blogged at https://parallaxperspectives.org He lives in Lacey near Olympia WA. You can reach him at (360) 491-9093 glen@parallaxperspectives.org