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Military drone weapons kill and injure many people. Stop drone wars now!

September 14, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. has been leading the world in escalating military violence using DRONES as weapons and militarizing space to assign targets for the U.S.’s drones to attack. The U.S. has TARGETED INDIVIDUALS AND KILLED THEM without ever charging them with crimes, allowing any fair trials or due process.  The U.S. President’s say-so is enough to murder individuals. The U.S. has been using drones in this way — and also attacking groups of people, civilian buildings, and more — for a number of years.  President Obama radically and recklessly escalated his drone wars beyond what Bush/Cheney had done, and Trump is […]

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Let’s Boldly Create the Future We Really Want!

September 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

I wrote this powerful, inspiring essay because we have much more potential for solving problems and creating a better future than most people realize. Regardless of which issues you care about, I encourage you to read the essay at this link: Let’s Boldly Create the Future We Really Want                

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Should “Artificial Intelligence” be authorized to START A NUCLEAR WAR?

September 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The 1964 movie “Dr. Strangelove” ( was a dark political satire about nuclear weapons. The USSR devised a system that would automatically retaliate if the U.S. were to strike first, but a crazy U.S. general launches a first nuclear strike through a B-52 bomber, and there was no way for the leaders of the U.S. and USSR to prevent an all-out nuclear war. Since then, both nations have moved ahead with dangerous technologies that would mimic this wacky movie. Daniel Ellsberg’s 2017 book The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner said “Dr. Strangelove was not fiction; it was […]

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Replace the “national security” scheme with “TRUE Security.”

June 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is obsessed with “national security” and wastes about half of our discretionary budget on militarism, nuclear weapons, covert actions, and violence around the world. This obsession and waste cause much neglect and suffering within the U.S. as well as abuse and endless wars and suffering around the world. We must replace the wasteful, ineffective, and downright counterproductive “national security” scheme with a fresh approach:  “TRUE Security.” See this: TRUE Security TABLE.doc        

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U.S. gov’t makes nuclear weapons crisis worse. Instead, take these positive steps.

April 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Information in this blog post came from a page 8-9 article in the April 2019 issue of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (, the 4 decades-old peace group located immediately next to the Trident nuclear weapons base in Kitsap County WA.  The article was written by Elizabeth Murray based on information provided by Bruce Gagnon, the coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (, an amazingly informative non-profit organization and website. First I lay out THE PROBLEM.  Then I lay out SOME REMEDIES:   THE PROBLEM: Elizabeth Murray reported that at a recent […]

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Stop Trump’s reckless, expensive militarization of space

January 20, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In 1983 Edward Teller, “the father of the H-bomb,” spoke privately with President Reagan and convinced him to support a scheme to shoot down other countries’ missiles, and Reagan publicly announced that he would build such a system.  Unfortunately, the scheme was TOTALLY UNWORKABLE, and Reagan publicly committed himself to that screwy scheme WITHOUT CONSULTING WITH ANY SCIENTISTS. Critics lambasted the “Strategic Defense Initiative” (SDI) as ridiculously unrealistic and horribly expensive.  They derisively called it “Star Wars.” For all of the decades since then, presidents and Congresses of BOTH political parties have lavishly funded this scheme, which has REPEATEDLY FAILED […]

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Beyond reforms, we must demand the ABOLITION of nuclear weapons!

January 18, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The peace movement and other people working against nuclear weapons are FAR TOO TIMID in how we work on nuclear weapons.  In order to make progress we must demand the ABOLITION of nuclear weapons, not merely seek reforms and limitations. We have identified and worked for many reforms and limitations, such as: A “No First Use” policy to prevent the U.S. from starting a nuclear war Taking away the president’s sole authority to launch without a congressional declaration of war (except in retaliation) Preventing the total rebuild of all nuclear weapons, which Obama authorized and Trump is pursuing too Preventing […]

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Here is a strategically smart way toward abolishing nuclear weapons and converting to a peaceful foreign policy.

January 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Please see the one-page document I wrote at the link below. Nuclear weapons persist after 70+ years because they are rooted in the same deep-seated problems that plague U.S. foreign policy overall. In order to abolish nuclear weapons, we must see the deeply entrenched problems that have propped up nuclear weapons – and also propped up U.S. foreign policy overall. For that purpose, I created the attached document that could guide a group discussion (or even individual thoughtfulness) toward devising strategically smart ways to move toward peace. I’d be happy to facilitate a discussion in order to help the Olympia […]

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In January, urge Congress to pass HR 1 to get Big Money out of politics.

December 20, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

You have probably read information supporting HR 1, legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives that would push Big Money out of politics.  Many non-profit organizations that support democracy and other good things (environment, energy, peace, nuclear weapons, workers’ rights, human rights, the gun lobby, etc.) recognize that BIG MONEY CORRUPTION PREVENTS CONGRESS FROM ACCOMPLISHING WHAT WE WANT IT TO DO. HR 1 is a tremendously positive step forward for ALL of the issues we care about! Public Citizen (, the non-profit org that Ralph Nader started in 1971, says the following in support of HR 1, and urges people […]