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Right-wing extremism is a serious threat to democracy in the U.S. and many other countries

March 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The right-wing attacks on honest democracy in the U.S. are occurring in other nations too.  They SERIOUSLY THREATEN democracy in the U.S. and elsewhere.  Ordinary people need to organize smart strategies to protect honest democracy, human rights, immigrants, religious minorities, etc. Here are some recent relevant articles:   It can happen here: Lessons from ‘Rise of the Nazis’ on 90th anniversary of Hitler’s coming to power:   Right-wing extremists dominate some nations and promote chaos instead of competent governance: John Feffer wrote this article explaining that House Republicans, Euroskeptics, Vladimir Putin, and Jair Bolsonaro are the agents of a […]

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Here is what a REAL “Christian nation” would look like

February 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Right-wing Christians and most Republicans keep saying they want the U.S. to be a “Christian nation.” But they do NOT want it to be the kind of society that Jesus was actually promoting. Jesus NEVER objected to abortion or homosexuality or immigration. What Jesus REALLY kept teaching and practicing are ethical, humane, loving, compassionate actions: Feed the hungry Heal the sick Welcome the stranger (and the foreigner and other ethnic groups) with equal human dignity as ourselves Instead of attacking LGBTQ persons or persons who want abortions, Jesus REPEATEDLY LAMBASTED: Rich people who failed to share with the poor Self-righteous […]

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Conscientious Objectors and other War Resisters in Ukraine and Russia

January 18, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Here is the lead article from the publication I’ve been reading (and financially supporting) for more than half a century (since 1972).  The Center on Conscience and War ( has supported conscientious objectors to war since the very beginning of World War II. Their Winter 2022-2023 issue features this lead article, titled “Love Your Neighbor.  No Exceptions.”  It provides information for people in Russia and Ukraine who are refusing to fight the war. Click to access ccw-newsletter-Winter-2022-2023-web-opt.pdf      

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Martin Luther King, Jr., said these things about various issues

January 8, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

When people refer to MLK as the “Reverend Dr.,” they are recognizing that he did indeed earn a Ph.D. in philosophy in addition to completing formal theological studies and being ordained.  He thought clearly and wisely.  Below I’m sharing with you some things he said about several different issues — and always grounded in humane ethics.     On April 4, 1967, King spoke about the Vietnam war and overall U.S. foreign policy to an audience at Riverside Church in New York City.  Many of the things he said there have been quoted widely.  He explicitly denounced the injustices and […]

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Martin Luther King spoke strongly against the Vietnam war — and U.S. foreign policy — on April 4, 1967

January 3, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

In January 2022, Glen Anderson spoke on the radio about Martin Luther King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech from April 4, 1967.  Several persons who heard this radio interview on Thursday told Glen that they liked it very much. You can listen to the radio broadcast at this link:  Parallel U 1-20-22.mp3 This was on Kim Dobson’s interesting weekly radio series, Parallel University.  It airs at 12 noon every Thursday on KAOS FM, 89.3.                      

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Vietnam War: Here are a few interesting resources.

November 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

One of Martin Luther King’s most powerful and insightful speeches exposed the cruelty and stupidity of the U.S.’s war in Vietnam.  His “Beyond Vietnam” speech on April 4, 1967 (exactly one year before he was murdered) put the war in the context of the U.S.’s long-standing foreign policy — and also in the context of the U.S.’s failure to provide real democracy for African Americans in our nation, even while our government falsely claimed that we were creating democracy in Vietnam.  The speech was very, very controversial at the time because many people did not yet understand the connections. Every […]

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During World War II, Franz Jagerstatter was a Catholic who resisted Nazis in Germany

November 19, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

When people promote nonviolence against oppressors, some skeptics say that nonviolent resistance would not have worked against the Nazis in World War II.  Actually, there was a lot of nonviolent resistance against the Nazis, and much of it was successful. Not enough people know about Franz Jagerstatter, a bold Catholic pacifist who resisted Germany’s Nazis. I’m sharing this information that a friend elsewhere in the country had sent to me.  She said this information came from Jim Forest, a powerful member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation who died in January 2022.  I met him and also Gordon Zahn, another Catholic […]

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“Christian Nationalism” is HISTORICALLY FALSE — with bad politics and bad theology

November 11, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Increasingly in recent years, the FALSE claim that the U.S. was designed to be a “Christian nation” has been gaining strength among right-wing Christians and people with right-wing political beliefs. “Christian Nationalism” is HISTORICALLY FALSE, and it is very dangerous to our nation and to people’s human rights.  It also has perverted many people’s religious beliefs.   This article explains how “​Christian Nationalism” fueled the January 6, 2021, violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and is threatening democracy itself:   One of the loudest voices comes from David Barton, who is NOT a real historian, but pretends to be.  […]

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During World War I, German and British troops stopped fighting and celebrated Christmas together.

November 11, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

At Christmas time in 1914 – during World War I – German and British troops got out of their trenches, refused to fight, and celebrated the holiday together.  Besides refusing to fight, they also shared music, singing, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, photos from their families back home, and so forth. John McCutcheon wrote and performed a great song about this: Also, I encourage you to watch this 21-minute video:      

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“Choose a Bold, Humane Future” — Glen’s November 2022 TV program

November 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The November 2022 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides many fresh insights that can inform and empower you to take bold, positive actions on issues you care about. The American people know serious problems exist.  Public opinion polls keep showing that increasing majorities say our nation is “on the wrong track.” So what do we do about it?  Take small steps only?  Or solve the big problems? Our November 2022 TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative, and encouraging.  Besides working to stop what we oppose, what if we also worked equally hard and skillfully to accomplish what we […]

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Here are many QUOTATIONS to help you create a BOLD, HUMANE FUTURE

November 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

We all know the status quo is dysfunctional in many ways. We want to create a much better future for every sector of society. We REALLY CAN do that! Over the years I have accumulated (and written) a great many short quotations that can inform and inspire us. I sorted them into 13 categories (Democracy, Peace, Environment, Nonviolence, etc.). I invite you to read these great QUOTATIONS in the document I compiled: 2022.11 BOLD HUMANE FUTURE — QUOTATIONS   After I produced this TV program and posted it to my blog, my e-mail address changed from to  When […]

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At Christmas time 1914 – during World War I – German and British troops refused to fight!

October 2, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

My September 2022 TV program provides encouraging information about soldiers who refuse to fight.  An exciting inspiration occurred during World War 1 when — on Christmas eve — German and British troops got out of their trenches, refused to fight, and celebrated the holiday together.  Besides refusing to fight, they also shared music, singing, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, photos from their families back home, and so forth. John McCutcheon wrote and performed a great song about this: Also, I encourage you to watch this 21-minute video: Please share this with other people. Yes, PEACE IS POSSIBLE!!! We have huge […]

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Video (shorter than 3 minutes) urges care for environment. Pope Francis is helping environment + climate.

September 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Although we are bombarded with so much bad stuff, it is encouraging that Pope Francis has been pushing hard to protect the environment and climate.  The short video I linked below is part of a Christian Ecumenical Global Season of Creation running from Sept 1 to Oct 4  (Feast of St. Francis).  This period is a time of reflection, prayer and action.  Pope Francis’s Vatican urges grassroots pressure for real climate action  COP 27 in Egypt November 2022. The Vatican produced this video, which is shorter than 3 minutes:        

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What issues do YOU care about? FREE online workshops help you organize grassroots movements: Sept-Oct 2022. Gather online. Learn together. Organize to solve problems!

August 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

You have more power than you know! On issue after issue, the status quo is horribly broken. The good news is we can organize grassroots movements to solve the problems! You can strengthen your skills and strategies for organizing grassroots movements!   Here is FREE HELP for ALL of the issues you care about! Let’s choose a bold, positive future! Let’s solve the problems! Let’s build savvy grassroots movements to accomplish bold goals for whatever YOU care about: peace, social/economic justice, environment/climate, humane politics, and more!   You can significantly strengthen your skills – and gain new resources – if […]

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Some People in the Military Refuse Orders

August 26, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

EVERYONE EVERYWHERE can watch this through my blog (see link below).  Also, cable TV subscribers in Thurston County WA can watch it 3 times a week throughout September 2022 on cable channel 22:  every Monday 1:30 pm, every Wednesday 5:00 pm, and every Thursday 9:00 pm.   Some People in the Military Refuse Orders — Glen’s September 2022 TV program and MANY more resources The September 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” shares first-hand experiences, insights, and information about people in the military who refuse to fight wars.   The experience of being in the military – especially while the […]