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TV: “Let’s Meet Our Arab Neighbors”

December 2, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Although the whole world is interconnected in many ways, most Americans do not know enough about Arab culture, and most Americans don’t have enough friends from countries in the Arab world. If we did, we would be more likely to make peace instead of war. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s September 2012 TV program is an enjoyable conversation with people whose roots are in different countries within the Arab world. We’ll learn something of Arab culture. And we’ll sow the seeds of peace. Locally, the Olympia-based Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice does a lot of good work, so […]

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TV: “Militarism Is the Problem, Not the Solution”

December 2, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Since World War II – and especially since the Soviet Union collapsed more than 20 year ago – the US has been the world’s #1 military power. And, indeed, the US has used that military power continuously since the 1940s in many places throughout the world. The justifying buzz word has always been “national security” – as if a bigger military, more nuclear weapons, and more military attacks on other countries would make our nation more secure. But even after all of this, Americans still feel insecure. Indeed, when you look at how the US interacts with other nations around […]

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TV: “ITTP Cracks the Cycle of Trauma in World Conflicts”

December 2, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Wars and violent conflict occur in many places throughout the world. Also, torture occurs more often and in more places than ordinary people might assume. Experiencing any of these can traumatize a person, so a great many persons around the world have been traumatized by torture, war, or violent conflicts. What do traumatized persons need in order to recover? How can we support practitioners who are providing treatment for this trauma? The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s February 2013 TV program explores these concerns. Our two guests have worked extensively in this field: • John Van Eenwyk is an Episcopal priest […]

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Nuclear weapons industry has much power over Congress and Trump

November 25, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

I have read a great many articles and one or more books by the author of this article, William Hartung. Decades ago I drove to Seattle to hear him speak. He is one of the most knowledgeable experts. The article at the link below is especially relevant to our current crisis, in which the U.S. is starting to replace its entire nuclear weapons arsenal with thousands of all-new nuclear weapons and the triad of delivery systems. This is totally unnecessary and horribly reckless. It will waste huge amounts of taxpayers’ money ($1.7 TRILLION, according to this article) that we need […]

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TV: “Peace from Local to Global”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s August 2013 TV program brings together three interesting guests who explore a variety of aspects related to peace all the way from the neighborhood level to the global level. Rozanne Rants, Holly Gwinn Graham, and Larry Kerschner are warm, wise and engaging. Rozanne Rants has long, deep roots in our community. An amazingly diverse range of people enjoy Rozanne’s friendship. I’ve enjoyed working with her on a variety of issues and activities, including several through the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation. She always brings warmth and wisdom to whatever she does, and I’m delighted that she […]

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TV: “Iran: Understanding the Realities — Achieving Peace”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s September 2013 TV program about Iran is informative and still timely because of the U.S. government’s continuing hostility to that nation. Iran is often in the news, but much of what the US’s news media and politicians say grossly inaccurate. Much of it is mean-spirited and downright harmful. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s September 2013 TV program: • Reviews Iran’s history • Provides for context for understanding what is really happening now. • Corrects some of the misinformation we’ve been hearing for many years. • Suggests more constructive ways to promote peace with Iran. This […]

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TV: “TPP: A ‘Free Trade’ Scam Much Worse than NAFTA”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s November 2013 TV program about the TPP and other “free trade” scams was still relevant in September 2014, so we aired it again then, while the TV station was replacing its equipment for producing new programs.  Watch this program and read the summary at the September 2014 listing.

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TV: “Preventing Humanity’s Suicide”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this interview, click HERE. To read a summary more thorough than the brief summary below, click Program Description — March 2014 The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s March 2014 TV program “connects the dots” between three serious issues: nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and the climate crisis. The program also explores how human beings deal with – or avoid dealing with – these serious issues. Bernie Meyer is our guest for this hour because he deals with substantive issues in fresh ways, and with wisdom and with profound humanity. The specific context for this month’s program is that Bernie had […]

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Cut the military budget. Use the savings to fully fund human needs.

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

A budget is a numerical way to express what we value.  The U.S.’s federal budget extravagantly funds military violence and fails to support human needs.  This is morally wrong.  It also makes our nation weak.  Sure, the Pentagon has plenty of weapons.  But our people are suffering badly from poor housing, poor health, polluted communities, and so forth. We need to cut the military budget and use the savings to fully fund human needs.  The U.S. has WASTED TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS making war against people in other countries while making the American people suffer also from neglect. In 2011 and […]

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TV: “A Vietnam Veteran Now Works for Peace”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read a more thorough summary than the brief summary shown below (and sources of more information), click Program Description — July 2014 for .pdf The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s July 2014 TV program features a warm and frank conversation with Larry Kerschner, a Vietnam veteran who started working for peace and social justice a few years after returning – and has been accomplishing more and more ever since. Drawing upon his religious roots and his experiences in the army, Larry has developed himself into a wise, compassionate, and courageous peace activist who […]

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TV: “Militarism Is the Problem, Not the Solution”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

During mid-2014, Thurston Community Television (TCTV, was replacing its production equipment, so we repeated a great program that we had aired in November 2012 and was still fully relevant now in 2014 — and up to the current day. To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read the brief summary below in .pdf format, click Program Description — August 2014. Since World War II – and especially since the Soviet Union collapsed more than 20 year ago – the US has been the world’s #1 military power. And, indeed, the US has used that military power continuously since […]

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TV: “TPP: A ‘Free Trade’ Scam Worse than NAFTA”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

In mid-2014 Thurston Community Television (TCTV, was replacing its production equipment, so we repeated the great interview about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which we had aired in November 2013.  It was still relevant in 2014, so we aired it for our September 2014 program.  Public pressure had slowed down the TPP, but we had not yet stopped it.  “Free Trade” scams continue to be promoted by the U.S. government and big business. To watch this informative 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read thorough information about it — and see links to information sources — click HERE or HERE. Here […]