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Climate organizing must range from global to local levels

July 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This morning I attended Olympia WA’s “Zero Hour” climate rally that was organized by young person.  The main organizer is 13 years old, and she spoke briefly and capably.  All over the world — and in many U.S. locations — young people organized “Zero Hour” rallies and marches to convey the urgency of the climate crisis.  Young people mobilized to demand an end to the abuses that are curtailing their futures — and to demand sustainable solutions.  For more information see –> The climate crisis is a WORLDWIDE crisis. –> Decades ago Tip O’Neill, the Speaker of the U.S. […]

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A clear, insightful and convincing explanation of why Trump cozies up to Putin

July 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

I have been reading a lot of articles trying to understand Trump’s bizarre behaviors.  The article at the link below was written by Thom Hartmann, who is a very savvy analyst of public affairs.  His insightful explanation of why Trump cozies up to Putin makes perfect sense.  It is consistent with other articles I’ve seen.  This article explains it very well.

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Practical and urgent reasons to PROTECT THE WHOLE WORLD’S CLIMATE

July 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Many people seem to think that the climate issue is just another add-on issue to the really important issues (economics, immigration, etc.) that keep getting our attention. WRONG! The climate crisis is a truly existential crisis — like nuclear weapons — that must be solved immediately if civilization is to survive. The climate crisis is both a symptom and a driver of other crucial issues.  The climate crisis is tied up intimately with other crucial issues such as the environment, immigration, governmental corruption, wars for oil, and other factors and consequences. The Pentagon has long recognized the climate crisis as […]

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URGENT!!! Info AND ACTION ALERT: Protect the 2020 Census from Trump’s abuse!!!

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. Constitution ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES a census that will count EVERY person in the U.S. Presumably, it must be HONEST. But Trump is planning to distort the 2020 census for blatantly racist and highly partisan purposes. Trump is planning to add a question about citizenship in order to intimidate and undercount America’s immigrants. Read this information.  Then keep going down the page and SEND ALL FIVE E-MAIL MESSAGES. Thank you! Trump’s scheme would likely cause millions of persons to be uncounted. The census is used for figuring out how to draw lines for state legislative districts and federal congressional districts. […]

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Avoid the anti-Russia hype that promotes a new Cold War.

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Both of the big political parties — Republicans and Democrats – are stuck in their own agendas.  Neither of the big party really supports peace.  Each wants confrontation with Russia for different reasons.  Ordinary people must resist the anti-Russia hype and a new Cold War.The American people must assert that we want peace, not a new Cold War. Norman Solomon’s article at this link shows smart insights:

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How to really STOP Trump’s horrible nominees

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump keeps throwing HORRIBLE, CORRUPT, and DANGEROUS nominees at us, one after another. Democratic U.S. Senators think it is sufficient to merely vote “no” to one Trump nominee after another. That is NOT ENOUGH!  We and the Senators need to actually MOBILIZE PUBLIC OPINION to PUSH BACK! Senators have a “bully pulpit” that almost all of them fail to use.  They should use their “bully pulpit” and take other actions to PUBLICLY EXPOSE the nominees’ corruption, cruelty, and horrible track records, in order to MOBILIZE PUBLIC OPINION TO PUSH BACK AGAINST TRUMP and the Republicans! Until Democratic Senators push back […]

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Smart insights to distinguish “conflict” from “abuse.”

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Someone sent me an e-mail expressing support for “Conflict is Not Abuse” from Sarah Schulman.  I searched for information about the book and found this very insightful article.  It offers smart, practical and compassionate ways out of the traps that many people — especially progressives — get into regarding how we deal with social justice issues at an interpersonal level. Rather than try to summarize her helpful insights here, I encourage you to read this information about her book:      

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Obama ALSO broke up immigrant families and deported many. Democrats failed to object.

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Nowadays Democrats and decent people strongly object to Trump’s cruelty in breaking up immigrant families and deporting many family members.  Actually, Obama did that too — in record numbers much higher than George W. Bush had done — but Democrats did not object when a Democratic president did. People nowadays are right to criticize the Trump regime for its extreme cruelty.  In order to be credible, we must also criticize Obama and the Democrats for their cruelty too.  Let’s stand firm on the principles of human rights, and let the partisan chips fall where they may. Pages 48-49 of the […]

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Climate denial: Three relevant news articles

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

1st article: This article reporting new data about climate denial shows that although fewer persons are outright “deniers,” many who admit that the climate is changing still think “natural causes” rather than human behavior is why the climate is changing. We need to focus our outreach strategies to help skeptical people understand the real reasons why the climate is being disrupted.   2nd article: As far back as 1968, the American Petroleum Institute — the industry’s largest trade association, of which Exxon is a member — received a report warning that, due to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, […]

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Trump wants to use “war powers” to oppose solar and wind — and to promote coal and nuclear power.

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This information came from an excellent source of information and advocacy, Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS).  They — at — and another excellent non-profit organization, Beyond Nuclear — at — reliably provide information and advocacy to stop nuclear power.  Beyond Nuclear also works to abolish nuclear weapons. NIRS reported that on June 1, 2018, Trump announced what NIRS described as: “the most extreme action on nuclear power we have ever seen:  issuing an order to prevent any nuclear reactors and coal plants from closing in the coming years, and forcing Americans to pay power companies whatever it […]

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Universal Single-Payer health care is the real solution! Debunk the myths and lies about it.

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is virtually alone among rich modern democracies in failing to provide decent health care for all of its people.  The U.S. ranks low among these nations in many indicators of health (life expectancy, infant mortality, deaths from preventable diseases, etc.). A major reason is that while other nations regard health care as a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT, the U.S. pretends that it is a COMMERCIAL COMMODITY for private profit. The real remedy — UNIVERSAL SINGLE-PAYER health care — is explained in the “Health Care” part of my blog,  I encourage you to read several posts about it. Please […]

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Impeachable offense: Trump kidnaps children and imprisons families without due process.

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

U.S. law and international law recognize the rights of refugees and persons seeking asylum, but Trump deliberately violates those laws. Trump continues to COMMIT CRIMES that are IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES, but Congress does not seem to care. Separating little children from their families is yet one more kind of child abuse that Trump is committing.  The Trump regime has lost track of many, many of the children that he has kidnapped. Kidnapping anyone is a federal felony.  So is transporting kidnapped victims across state lines.  It is a felony to unlawfully imprison someone. Trump is denying people their constitutional right to […]

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U.S. needs immigrant workers because we disable our troops and underfund education

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Savvy people have been recognizing that the U.S. economy really needs immigrant workers. We do not have enough native-born workers for many jobs. And I don’t mean only working on farms and in restaurants. The U.S. imports a great many skilled workers: nurses, doctors, computer programmers, and so forth. For many decades the U.S. has been sending our troops to fight totally unnecessary wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Only recently has the government been admitting that many troops become disabled through PTSD and other physical and mental disabilities. Actually, the numbers are much, much higher than the government […]

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“A New Dawn for Guatemala?”

July 14, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The August 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” informs us about an interesting and inspiring community in Guatemala where refugees from the previous dictatorship have settled into a new community. These people are empowering themselves at the grassroots to meet their needs for education, clean water, social justice and democracy. About 300-400 people live in Nuevo Amanecer, the Spanish words for “New Dawn.” The community was founded in 1998 by refugees who had fled the genocide and “scorched-earth” campaign of the 1980s and 1990s. The U.S. funded and trained Guatemala’s brutal military to commit those crimes. Now the “New Dawn” […]