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Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW): 2nd anniversary of going into effect is Jan. 22, 2023

January 8, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Yes, it REALLY IS POSSIBLE to abolish nuclear weapons!!! In July 2017, nearly 2/3 of the nations in the U.N. General Assembly (122 of 193 nations) approved the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) so it could go out to the world’s nations for ratification. By early January 2023, a total of 68 (one-third of the nations in the United Nations General Assembly) had RATIFIED a treaty to TOTALLY ABOLISH ALL nuclear weapons, so this treaty is in their national laws!!! It went into effect for those 68 nations on January 22, 2021.   Now the world is […]

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Abolish the federal “debt ceiling.” It’s a Republican scam to prevent funding to solve problems.

January 8, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Whenever Congress is asked to fund activities that would help ordinary people (health care, education, anti-poverty programs, etc.), Republicans object on the grounds that we can’t afford to pay for them. But they ALWAYS support funding the horribly huge military budget — and tax cuts for rich people and big businesses — and NEVER ask how we would pay for those. For example, in December 2022, Congress just passed $858 billion military budget, but the GOP is blocking $12 billion to fight child poverty Republicans refused to even consider proposals to revive the Child Tax Credit expansion that lifted millions […]

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Nuclear power is DEFINITELY NOT a remedy for the climate crisis!

January 8, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The nuclear power industry and its supporters (and some well-meaning but misinformed people) want us to consider nuclear power as a remedy for the climate crisis.  THE FACTS OPPOSE THIS.   Experts Say Nuclear Energy as Climate Solution Is Total “Fiction.”  “The reality is nuclear is neither clean, safe, or smart; but a very complex technology with the potential to cause significant harm.”   Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission chair argues nuclear power isn’t a climate solution:   Nuclear power not feasible to tackle climate change:   Nuclear power is NOT a remedy for the climate crisis: […]

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Debunk the hype about nuclear fusion energy

January 8, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

In December 2022, a lot of publicity was praising nuclear fusion as a smart new source of clean, limitless energy.  That publicity exaggerated the supposed benefits and failed to mention the shortcomings. These articles from December 2022 provide more sensible information: This article from January 2022 also provides caution about fusion:   This article exposes the dangers of fusion in relation to nuclear weapons: The “fusion” energy supporters’ vigorous media “hype” about a recent accomplishment seems designed to create support for the extremely high funding needed.  Also, the extremely huge amount of high-tech equipment is horribly expensive […]

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Martin Luther King spoke strongly against the Vietnam war — and U.S. foreign policy — on April 4, 1967

January 3, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

In January 2022, Glen Anderson spoke on the radio about Martin Luther King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech from April 4, 1967.  Several persons who heard this radio interview on Thursday told Glen that they liked it very much. You can listen to the radio broadcast at this link:  Parallel U 1-20-22.mp3 This was on Kim Dobson’s interesting weekly radio series, Parallel University.  It airs at 12 noon every Thursday on KAOS FM, 89.3.                      

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Voters keep rejecting BOTH political parties — and for good reasons!

January 3, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

We all know that ALMOST ALWAYS the political party that holds the presidency LOSES seats in Congress’s midterm elections. Here is why. The Executive Branch – regardless of which party controls it – FAILS TO DELIVER what the voters really want.  It allows big businesses and other powerful “special interests” to control federal agencies so they cater to those powerful interests and FAIL TO SOLVE our nation’s problems. Voters punish the negligent, corrupt party by VOTING AGAINST that party’s congressional candidates in the midterm elections.     Public opinion polls keep showing that increasing majorities are saying our nation is […]

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Fresh insights into Trump’s reaction to getting caught stealing top secret documents

January 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

In the past several years, I have posted a number of items to my blog’s “Trump” category.  I plan to post more in 2023. In August 2022 the news reported that Trump STOLE many boxes of our nation’s MOST HIGHLY TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS when he left the White House.  The government repeatedly asked him to return them, but Trump kept refusing.  Finally, the FBI obtained a search warrant and legally searched his Mar-a-Lago home.  The FBI found many, many of the stolen documents, but not all of them.  Later, some of them were found at other Trump properties. If — […]

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Wise insights in these bumper sticker messages

January 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

“Why is there always money for war but not for education?”   “Killing one person is murder – Killing 100,000 is foreign policy.”   “Honor veterans – No more war.”   “Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.”   “I think when Jesus said ‘Love your enemies,” he meant not to kill them.”    

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Powerful forces are bullying us. Let’s reject despair and empower strategically smart grassroots movements!

January 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

On issue after issue, powerful economic and political forces — including “culture warriors” — are vigorously bullying people, corrupting elections, hurting workers and children, disrupting ecosystems and Mother Earth’s climate, and causing other damage. Many people who have better values are feeling overwhelmed and powerless.  Some yield to despair and give up. But we can indeed fight back — nonviolently — by organizing strategically savvy grassroots movements to solve the problems and replace bad public policies with good ones. This requires a positive attitude.  Hope is not really a statistical probability that we have a certain percentage of likelihood of […]

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Extreme incompetence and dangers at nuclear weapons plant

January 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

In addition to the information I posted to this blog about my March 2022 TV program about extremely horrible work on nuclear weapons being conducted at Oak Ridge, Tennessee (see link below), here is some recent information about this: The December 2022 issue of the newsletter from the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA) provided new information about the EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE nuclear weapons plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  Read the article on PAGE 5 of OREPA’s December 2022 newsletter here:  Scroll down to PAGE 5:   Here are the link and article about my March 2022 […]

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Martin Luther King strongly opposed nuclear weapons — and publicly since 1957

January 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Martin Luther King, Jr., understood the connections among a variety of issues and how they intersected with race, economics, peace, and so forth. He publicly stated his opposition to nuclear weapons many times.  He wrote this in an Ebony Magazine article way back in 1957:  “I definitely feel that the development and use of nuclear weapons of war should be banned. It cannot be disputed that a full scale nuclear war would be utterly catastrophic. Hundreds and millions of people would be killed outright by the blast and heat, and by the ionizing radiation produced at the instant of the […]

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January 1, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

I want to start posting a CALENDAR of COMING EVENTS every few weeks.  It includes clusters of events happening: EVERY MONTH EVERY WEEK EVERY DAY Then it lists a CALENDAR of SPECIFIC EVENTS during a period of time.  Here are the “EVERY” clusters and the SPECIFIC EVENTS happening in JANUARY 2023: CALENDAR — 2023 January