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Weaponizing space is VERY DANGEROUS!

August 29, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The “national security” baloney that has caused many stupid, endless wars — and the extremely dangerous nuclear weapons arms race since the 1940s — is escalating into space, regardless of the 1967 treaty that prohibits militarizing space. Trump — and now Biden — have been making Planet Earth more dangerous.   Karl Grossman, one of the world’s top experts on space weapons, wrote this powerful June 16, 2021, article on escalating U.S. warfare in space”  “New Space Force laboratory opens: A breakdown on space warfare ‘autonomy.’”  It includes this quotation:  “The U.S. imperial war project, now marching headlong into the […]

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Death penalty action alerts

August 29, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Richard Glossip is an innocent man on Oklahoma’s death row inmate.  We need to prove his innocence before he is executed. Richard’s legal team has been hard at work uncovering new evidence that casts serious doubt on his conviction. Richard’s execution date could be scheduled any day now. To save Richard, we need your help again. Will you join the 8,000+ people who have signed our new petition urging Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt and the state Pardon and Parole Board to call for an independent investigation into the new evidence in Richard Glossip’s case? Executing Richard Glossip in the face […]

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The U.S. must stop arming dictators and human rights abusers

August 29, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. has a very long history of arming dictators and human rights abusers. This was already going on long before the U.S. and Britain overthrew Iran’s democracy and installed the extremely brutal Shah of Iran in 1953.  The U.S. armed that brutal dictator throughout the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.  After the Shah’s demise, the U.S. armed Iraq’s Saddam Hussein so he could fight his war against Iran.  Then the U.S. violently overthrew him and armed many sides in the chaos that arose directly because of the U.S.’s war there.  In recent years the U.S. has armed MANY different factions […]

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A few short quotations about religious/spiritual matters

August 29, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Mohandas K. Gandhi (the Mahatma) said this:  “I claim that human mind or human society is not divided into watertight compartments called social, political and religious. All act and react upon one another.”   Thich Nhat Hanh, the great Zen Buddhist mystic, said this:  What we need is not another doctrine, but an awakening that can restore our spiritual strength. What made Mahatma Gandhi’s struggle a great success was not a doctrine—not even the doctrine of nonviolence—but Gandhi himself, his way of being. A lot is written today about the doctrine of nonviolence and people everywhere are trying to apply […]

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Brief insights here: See these issues from fresh perspectives!

August 29, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

#1:  In the 1940s my Dad built a SOLAR clothes dryer. Mom operated it for decades. In the 1950s when I was growing up, I remember at home we had a SOLAR and WIND clothes dryer.  It used no fossil fuels and no electricity. Dad built it in the 1940s.  Mom operated it for decades. It was called a “clothesline.”  Every home’s back yard had one.  It was an upright metal pole with a smaller horizontal metal crossbar at the top.  30 to 40 feet away was another one with the same design.  Stretched between them were four long metal […]

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Watch and/or read TV: “Debunk the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Phony Climate Remedies”

August 28, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The September 2021 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides fresh information and insights into some aspects of the climate crisis that most people do not adequately understand.  Our expert guest, Jim Walsh, explained some problems and some scams that the fossil fuel companies want to fool us into accepting.  Before we ended our interview, Jim proposed some real solutions. For decades the big businesses that sell oil, natural gas and coal have been denying that they were causing the climate crisis.  The scientific proof is so overwhelming that they can’t be “climate deniers” any longer, so recently the fossil fuel […]

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Nuclear Weapons: Sign up now for FREE ONLINE COURSE with interesting information and actions

August 25, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

  This FREE ONLINE course has four 2-hour class sessions with fascinating, fresh information about the history and current realities of nuclear weapons.  Four well informed persons developed and present this course and include discussions among participants. People who have taken this course many times in the past have learned a lot and felt empowered to work to abolish nuclear weapons. The four presenters (from the Olympia WA Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) are offering it again in OCTOBER 2021.  You may choose either TUESDAYS or SATURDAYS. THIS DOCUMENT provides information about the course – and how you can sign […]

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Marshall Islanders Still Suffer from U.S. Nuclear Weapons Testing (1946-1958)

August 14, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The August 2021 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides the public with information and insights about something that almost no Americans know much about.  We discuss the U.S.’s testing of nuclear weapons in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean from 1946 to 1958. Below you see the links so you can WATCH THE VIDEO and/or READ THE THOROUGH SUMMARY that I typed up.  We explain the facts clearly so the viewers of the video — and the readers of the typed summary — will clear understand what happened.  We especially explain how the U.S.’s 67 nuclear tests affected the […]

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News from Myanmar (Burma), where the military overthrew democracy and is oppressing and killing people

August 3, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

A friend of our family is a citizen of Myanmar (traditionally known as Burma) and has been suffering — along with most people in her country — ever since February 1, 2021, when their nation’s military overthrew their democracy and has been violently oppressing the population.  The military has killed many people. Here are a few updates in the past few months:     Many years ago I started subscribing to The New Internationalist.  It is a large (82-page) periodical based in the UK that covers the entire world in very smart on-the-ground ways.  You can read feature articles from […]