Here is how to link nuclear weapons with other hot issues

We are committed to vigorous grassroots organizing to abolish nuclear weapons.
A smart strategy is to link this issue to other hot issues that people care about.
I wrote – and am attaching – 3 flyers that accomplish this.  See these 3 links:

Stop gun violence — Stop nuclear weapons

Climate crisis and nuclear weapons are two existential threats.docx

Many scientists oppose nuclear weapons

We could replicate this kind of strategy for other issues we are working on.

I printed hundreds of copies and handed out (and recruited some other volunteers to hand out) a great many copies of the first attachment during the Saturday March 24, 2018, “March for Our Lives” opposing gun violence. While offering a flyer to each person I said that gun violence is bad, and so are nuclear weapons, because they expand the same dynamics to larger geographical and financial levels. Nearly everybody agreed and appreciated receiving the flyer.

Next I created the second handout and made 200 copies, which I distributed during the Saturday April 14 Olympia Science March. I have been helping the organizers organize this event. I want the people who appreciate science to recognize that many scientists are working to abolish nuclear weapons.

I also created the third handout and made 200 copies, which a volunteer distributed during the Saturday April 14 South Sound Climate Convention. This flyer connects the climate crisis and nuclear weapons as two existential threats that are so dangerous that the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists now considers the climate crisis when moving the “Doomsday Clock” hands.

I encourage you to do this kind of strategic thinking and outreach in your own respective communities. Feel free to adapt these documents to promote your own local organizations working against nuclear weapons.

In both cases I limited the length to one-half page, because people are more likely to accept that than a document that is longer and wordier.

About GlenAnderson 1515 Articles
Since the late 1960s Glen Anderson has devoted his life to working as a volunteer for peace, nonviolence, social justice, and progressive political issues. He has worked through many existing organizations and started several. Over the years he has worked especially for such wide-ranging goals as making peace with Vietnam, eliminating nuclear weapons, converting from a military economy to a peacetime economy, abolishing the death penalty, promoting nonviolence at all levels throughout society, and helping people organize and strategize for grassroots movements to solve many kinds of problems. He writes, speaks, and conducts training workshops on a wide variety of topics. Since 1987 he has produced and hosted a one-hour cable TV interview program on many kinds of issues. Since 2017 he has blogged at He lives in Lacey near Olympia WA. You can reach him at (360) 491-9093