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Economic Justice — A Bold New Agenda

April 30, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2021 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series helps you understand the U.S.’s long-standing economic problems – and the bold solutions that would make the economy more fair for ordinary people. Two guests explored the problems and solutions: Bartlett Naylor works for Public Citizen, the amazingly savvy non-profit organization founded by Ralph Nader half a century ago. Bartlett Naylor is a Financial Policy Advocate who works on corporate governance, financial markets, and related issues. Sarah Anderson works for the Institute for Policy Studies, a very knowledgeable non-profit organization that works on a variety of issues. She is a […]

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National Urban League Unveils “21 Pillars,” A Comprehensive Framework for Redefining Public Safety

April 26, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

NEW YORK (April 26, 2021) — The National Urban League today released a comprehensive framework for criminal justice advocacy that takes a holistic approach to public safety, the restoration of trust between communities and law enforcement, and a path forward for meaningful change. 21 Pillars for Redefining Public Safety and Restoring Community Trust centers on five key themes that are fundamental to the protection and preservation of life, dignity, and trust, while also building safer communities. “For too long the lives, safety, and freedom of communities around the nation, particularly Black communities, have been threatened by discriminatory and violent policing,” National Urban […]

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STOP this horribly dangerous, expensive new nuclear missile that Biden seems to support!

April 26, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

President Biden seems likely to proceed with the horribly expensive and horribly dangerous replacement of ALL nuclear warheads and delivery systems (land-based missiles, submarines, airplanes).  The article linked here discusses some of that, especially the replacement for the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) with a new $100 billion Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD), a land-based nuclear missile, which is slated to replace the aging Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).   Tell Congress to STOP funding and PREVENT approval of the nuclear weapons mentioned above. The information in the links below alerts people to the dangerous, expensive new nuclear missiles […]

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Compelling info about 7 powerful feedback loops escalating the climate crisis

April 26, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

We must VIGOROUSLY REDUCE climate disruption before these 7 tipping points change earth forever!   Yes, we ARE experiencing a CLIMATE EMERGENCY! Climate disruptions have moved us close to 7 “tipping points” with feedback loops that could change earth forever. This article is informative.  It explains the problems well so anyone can understand. See this article linked below.  It has sections on SEA and ICE and LAND. Keep scrolling down – and keep learning more in this powerful, easy-to-understand article. The article is long, but informative and really necessary for more people to understand. I read the whole thing, and […]

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TAKE THESE ACTIONS NOW … (updated to April 22, 2021)

April 22, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Let’s pay attention to hot issues that need our attention. Let’s take actions online and in other ways. Here are some recent “action alerts” from non-profit organizations I respect and trust.  For some of them you can simply add your own name and contact information and click to send.  For others, you’ll need to remove my name and contact information before you add your own. While there are many ways we can organize for issues we care about, these “clictivist” activist opportunities are quick and easy.  Topics are listed in random order here with one or more “ACTION ALERT” opportunity […]

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Afghanistan: Biden’s troop withdrawal does NOT end the war!

April 18, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

For nearly 20 years the U.S. has waged a horribly expensive (trillions of dollars) and  horribly deadly (many, many, many thousands of deaths) war that accomplished NOTHING. US to Withdraw from Afghanistan after Two Decades of War Leaving Behind Tortured Wasteland Having Accomplished Nothing:  Now President Biden announced that he will withdraw U.S. troops.  People are happy with that.  But people do NOT know that THE WAR WILL CONTINUE without U.S. troops.  The U.S. continues its reckless, deadly drone war, and also continues to arm factions throughout the region.  The overall U.S. foreign policy in that region (and elsewhere) […]

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Click to urge President Biden to take these actions …

April 13, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Many non-profit organizations are urging President Biden to take smart actions.  I have collected some recent ones here.  You might want to provide your own name and contact information and click to send.  For a few of these you may remove my name and contact information and substitute your own. Also, you can contact President Biden through the White House website — — or through the White House phone switchboard — (202) 456-1414  Grassroots pressure has produced positive governmental actions on some issues.  Let’s keep it going!   Human rights, democracy, and peace for Myanmar (traditionally known as Burma): On […]