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Read George Lakey’s books and articles about nonviolence and grassroots organizing

January 25, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Recently I heard George Lakey speak in Olympia, and I bought his latest book.  I’ve known George for decades, heard him speak many times, and took a weekend of nonviolence training from him several decades ago.  He is one of the whole world’s most highly respected organizers and writers about very savvy grassroots organizing. I encourage you to read the articles George Lakey writes about nonviolent grassroots organizing, strategizing, movement-building, social justice, and more.  He writes articles for, which posts many other people’s articles, too. You can subscribe at that link and have new articles sent to you. You […]

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Beyond reforms, we must demand the ABOLITION of nuclear weapons!

January 18, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The peace movement and other people working against nuclear weapons are FAR TOO TIMID in how we work on nuclear weapons.  In order to make progress we must demand the ABOLITION of nuclear weapons, not merely seek reforms and limitations. We have identified and worked for many reforms and limitations, such as: A “No First Use” policy to prevent the U.S. from starting a nuclear war Taking away the president’s sole authority to launch without a congressional declaration of war (except in retaliation) Preventing the total rebuild of all nuclear weapons, which Obama authorized and Trump is pursuing too Preventing […]

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Here is a strategically smart way toward abolishing nuclear weapons and converting to a peaceful foreign policy.

January 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Please see the one-page document I wrote at the link below. Nuclear weapons persist after 70+ years because they are rooted in the same deep-seated problems that plague U.S. foreign policy overall. In order to abolish nuclear weapons, we must see the deeply entrenched problems that have propped up nuclear weapons – and also propped up U.S. foreign policy overall. For that purpose, I created the attached document that could guide a group discussion (or even individual thoughtfulness) toward devising strategically smart ways to move toward peace. I’d be happy to facilitate a discussion in order to help the Olympia […]

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Our systems are not “broken.” They’re working as intended. They are DELIBERATELY UNFAIR.

January 3, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

People keep saying that our nation’s systems are “broken.”  That is misleading.  They are NOT “broken.”  They are WORKING AS INTENDED!  They are DELIBERATELY UNFAIR! On issue after issue, politicians, mainstream media, and the general public keep saying that our systems are “broken.”  But if you look at how they are actually functioning — WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DO — and WHAT THEY ARE PREVENTING — and WHO HAS THE POWER and WHO BENEFITS from the status quo — you’ll see that these systems are NOT really “broken.”  They are serving the rich and the powerful and preventing the changes that […]

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I-1631 and I-1634 show that we need to “re-frame” the public’s understanding of taxes.

December 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

“Special interests” with their Big Money deceived Washington State’s voters in the November 2018 election to defeat a good initiative that would have helped the climate — and to pass an initiative that protects giant food corporations from local democracy.  Those “special interests” with their Big Money used anti-tax messaging to defeat I-1631 and to pass I-1634. It’s easy for extremely rich funders to buy huge amounts of advertising and propaganda with simplistic “anti-tax” messaging. That message taps into many people’s latent biases, just like nationalistic and racist messages tap into many people’s latent biases. Regarding taxes – like so […]

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Substitute PEACE instead of our militaristic foreign policy

December 4, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S.’s militaristic foreign policy does NOT work. It makes problems worse and causes more problems. It wastes money. The document linked here explains why we should replace our militaristic foreign policy with a commitment to peace, human rights, and other good things. Notes for Substituting Peace Instead of the U.S.’s Militaristic Foreign Policy Near the end of that document I explain the reasons why we should replace the U.S.’s militaristic “National Security” model with a NONVIOLENT model of “TRUE Security.”  For a one-page summary distinguishing these two models, see this link: “TRUE Security TABLE”           […]

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PART 2 of “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World”

November 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Our nation and world are in a horrible mess.  The December 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series examines how to solve the problems. A person or an entire society has a “worldview” — a way of seeing reality — that strongly directs their behavior and public policy.  The worldview that currently dominates the U.S. government and society has caused escalating greed, corruption, cruelty, oppression, war, and other bad things.  Instead, we need to replace that worldview with its opposite — a worldview that is humane, compassionate, peaceful, fair to everyone, and environmentally sustainable. An unjust society seeks to […]

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A psychiatrist thinks we should treat alt-right bigotry like a disease.

November 25, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The psychiatrist in the article linked at the end of this blog post thinks we should treat alt-right bigotry like a disease.  This would help us understand how to use public health methodologies for a solution to alt-right bigotry.. He says alt-right bigotry is not technically a discrete medical disease, but that “there are good reasons to treat bigotry as a public health problem.”  He says, “some of the approaches we take toward controlling the spread of disease may be applicable to pathological bigotry: for example, by promoting self-awareness of bigotry and its adverse health consequences.” “[W]hat if, in an […]

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We Can Replace Cynicism and Despair with Empowerment and Hope

November 6, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Our world is in a serious mess.  We are suffering from a number of big serious problems. It is easy to feel powerless and despair. But if we let the oppressors get us down, we’ll be even worse off. The good news is that WE CAN INDEED ESCAPE THAT TRAP. WE CAN INDEED EMPOWER OURSELVES AND MOVE AHEAD. I wrote the following document more than a year ago, and it is still valid. Please read and share this: We Can Replace Cynicism and Despair with Empowerment and Hope

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A blistering critique of U.S. politics! PART 1: “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World”

October 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

You can watch the November 2018 episode of the TV program for my series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” through a link on this blog post — or on TCTV cable channel 22 in Thurston County. (See info below.) This is PART 1 of a 2-part topic, “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World.” It focuses mostly on the problems. PART 2, the December 2018 program, will focus more on solutions. SEE THE LINK BELOW for a VERY THOROUGH, BLISTERING CRITIQUE of the worldview that has increasingly dominated U.S. politics. Parts 1 and 2 of this program explains that the […]

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Outreach ideas for hard, scary issues

October 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

It is hard to inform and mobilize the public about hard, scary issues such as nuclear weapons, the climate crisis, and Trumpism’s escalating fascism. Typically, we throw facts at people, but people too fearful and powerless to open themselves up psychologically to hear those facts, let alone act upon them. The document I wrote and linked below  can help the public empower themselves to work on serious issues, including the hardest and most  frightening issues. In order to really engage the public on these hard and frightening issues, we must deliberately strategize how to address the public’s fears, feelings of […]

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Insights into evangelical Christians who sold their souls to Trump

October 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This article dated October 14, 2018, is titled, “The Retribution for Evangelicals Who Sold Their Souls to Trump Is Coming.” It lays out the problem but does not do much about the “retribution” part of the title. Near the end of my November 2018 TV program (and in the essay about it that I’ll post to my blog in late October) I mention that during the 1970s and 1980s the Religious Right and the Republican Party actually merged into one movement so the Republican Party could capture and dominate a huge political base, and so the Religious Right would have […]

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To Achieve Social Justice, We Must De-Polarize Our Society

October 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Oppressors like to use a “divide-and-conquer” strategy in order to keep the oppressed people from joining together to empower themselves to nonviolently fight against the oppressors. We need to recognize that tactic and refuse to let oppressors polarize us by race or religion or sexual orientation or any other factor. I wrote this article in 2018 and encourage people to read it and use its insights to de-polarize our society so we can join together to work for social justice: De-Polarize    

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Our local weekly peace vigils attract attention and support!

September 15, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

One way to “think globally and act locally” is to participate in the three peace vigils that occur in Olympia every week! The Wednesday and Friday vigils downtown occur EVERY week, all year around, regardless of weather or holidays. The Thursday bannering at a local freeway overpass occurs when it is not too windy to hold the huge banner safely. Every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1 pm in the NW corner of Sylvester Park (Legion & Capitol Way) since March 5, 1980 Every Thursday from 11 am to 12 noon (current schedule might change in winder, and as weather […]

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Voters view CORRUPTION as the most important issue. Write letters to editors in Republican communities.

September 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Voters are angry! Some issues become more prominent, while others drift downward. Trump has been promoting CORRUPTION throughout his administration, and Republicans have become the party of corruption nationwide.  In order to save our nation, we must alert and mobilize voters to reject the corrupt politicians. Current research shows that CORRUPTION is a MAJOR CONCERN among voters. Now — before the Nov. 6 election — is a good time for people to raise this issue, use the Republicans’ corruption against them, and write letters to editors (especially in communities that could shift from Republican to Democratic). This article provides information: […]