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Links to Glen’s TV programs about nuclear weapons

January 6, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

In addition to the TV programs I have listed below, I have produced many other TV programs about peace, excessive military spending, changing to a nonviolent foreign policy, grassroots organizing to make bold improvements in our society, etc.  See links to ALL TV programs since January 2018 at this part of my blog:   Here are links to the TV programs specifically focusing on nuclear weapons:   January 2024:  “U.N. Update on Nuclear Weapons Treaty”:   March 2023:  “Smart Strategies to Organize for Peace and No Nuclear Weapons”:   January 2023:  “Three Steps to Nuclear Disarmament”: […]

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Pope Francis keeps speaking BOLDLY FOR PEACE!

December 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Pope Francis message for 2023 Christmas included this: “To say “yes” to the Prince of Peace, then, means saying “no” to war, to every war and to do so with courage, to the very mindset of war, an aimless voyage, a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly. This is what war is: an aimless voyage, a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly. To say “no” to war means saying “no” to weaponry. The human heart is weak and impulsive; if we find instruments of death in our hands, sooner or later we will use them. And how can we even […]

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Link to a dozen VERY SHORT videos of Glen Anderson explaining nuclear weapons

December 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

If YOU — or anyone you know — would like VERY BRIEF information about nuclear weapons, the link below will provide about a dozen  VERY SHORT VIDEOS (about one minute each) about various aspects of nuclear weapons. Glen Anderson and a volunteer produced these for our statewide coalition, Washington Against Nuclear Weapons (, so they could be shared widely to friends, families, social media, etc. I warmly invite you to WATCH AND SHARE these.  This link takes you to the collection of about a dozen VERY SHORT VIDEOS:                

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Many Republicans AGGRESSIVELY PROMOTE homosexuality

December 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

In addition to vigorously opposing abortion, many Republican politicians want to sharply restrict birth control. Those Republicans are INTERFERING with — and thereby OPPOSING — heterosexual activities. Unwittingly, those Republicans are telling people to meet their sexual needs WITHOUT persons of the opposite sex. To avoid pregnancy, women should have sexual intercourse only with other women. To avoid impregnating women, men should have sexual intercourse only with other men. Who would have guessed that Republicans are such big supporters of the gay/lesbian movement?        

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Nuclear power is ABSOLUTELY NOT a remedy for the climate crisis! See these highly informative resources.

December 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The nuclear power industry has fooled many politicians — and much of the mainstream media — into thinking that nuclear power is a remedy for the climate crisis.  It absolutely is NOT. I collected many smart, informative information resources debunking the scam of nuclear power as a remedy for the climate crisis.  See the links in this document:  Nuclear Power Is NOT a Remedy for the Climate Crisis   For your convenience, I have also copied the links here:   Triple nuclear plan lands with a thud:  December 19, 2023:   Biden wants to TRIPLE nuclear power!  He must […]

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U.N. Update on Nuclear Weapons Treaty

December 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The January 2024 TV program in the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series provides  the newest update about a powerful, inspiring, exciting worldwide movement to abolish all nuclear weapons. Nine nations in the world have nuclear weapons.  Most of the world’s nations are angry at them for holding the entire world hostage with the threat of destroying the world in nuclear war. In July 2017 the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).  Now 69 nations have ratified the Treaty and are bringing its strong requirements into their own national laws. Just recently – […]

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“No room at the inn” — U.S. policies provoke immigration but refuses to accommodate the victims

December 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The Christmas story highlights a young family — Joseph and Mary who was 9 months pregnant — who were forced by the oppressive undemocratic government that ruled over them to travel to a distant place.  But there was “no room at the inn,” so they had no choice but to stay in a stable, where Mary gave birth to Jesus. This iconic story of gross injustice keeps playing out nowadays with different characters and new ironies. For many decades the U.S. has supported brutal right-wing governments (sometimes overthrowing democracies in order to install those oppressive regimes) in Latin America and […]

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Fossil Fuel Industry Hijacks Global Climate COP Summits

December 7, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Al Gore Says Fossil Fuel Industry Has “Captured the COP Process.”  The article linked here — — says this:  “The former U.S. vice president accused the United Arab Emirates of ‘abusing the public’s trust’ by naming the CEO of its national oil company as president of COP28.  Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore said Sunday that fossil fuel interests have effectively seized the reins of the United Nations climate summit process, preventing the kind of ambitious action that scientists say is necessary to prevent catastrophic warming and all of its cascading impacts.”   COP28: Amy Goodman Attempts to Question […]

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4 bumper sticker messages for peace

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

“Why is there always money for war but not for education?” “Killing one person is murder – Killing 100,000 is foreign policy.” “Honor veterans – No more war.” “I think when Jesus said ‘Love your enemies,” he meant not to kill them.”      

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How to discuss global issues without “triggering” a negative dogmatic reaction

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

During a recent peace vigil in downtown Olympia, I held a sign:  “New treaty prohibits nuclear weapons.”  A pedestrian came along and struck up a conversation.  We talked for about 20 minutes about a wide range of issues. One of his recurring points led me to post this message to my blog. Many people in the peace movement want to transcend narrow nationalism and affirm “world citizenship.” The person I talked with kept expressing disagreement with the “globalists” who want to dominate the world.  In our conversation I got him to clarify that what he was opposed to was “global […]

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A smart way to help your friends/families in these states abolish their death penalty

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The death penalty exists in federal law — and also under military law. More and more states have been abolishing it, but these states still have death penalty laws, but some of these states are not using it:  Alabama,    Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.   If you have family or friends in any of those states, you can help them abolish their states’ death penalty in THESE TWO smart ways: 1. Here is a […]

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Expose the propaganda and lies that claim a big “crime wave” is endangering us.

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Very often, conservatives and complicit (negligent) mainstream media want to frighten us about something.  Very often, the fears they are promoting are based on propaganda and lies.  They want to frighten us and stampede us into bad “solutions” (more nuclear weapons, “tough-on-crime” laws, oppression of LGBTQ+ people, etc. Now the big new scary thing is a “crime wave.”  Actually, this is bogus.  See these sources of information:   This was posted on October 17, 2023:   We need to reform and humanize our criminal justice system, but this was reported on May3, 2023:  “Media Crime Hype Helps Roll Back […]

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Protect honest science from attacks and declining public trust!

December 3, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

At federal, state and local levels, right-wingers and businesses are applying pressures to hurt honest science. Fewer Americans now understand and respect science. Here are some recent articles:   Americans’ trust in science is declining:  Americans’ Trust in Scientists, Positive Views of Science Continue to Decline   Why Don’t Americans Believe in Science?   The psychology behind right-wing authoritarians’ denial of science:   Don’t Let Them Fool You: Disinformation Is Not an Accident. – Union of Concerned Scientists (   Politically motivated bullies want to “tear down the fabric of science.”   State and Local […]

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Our national culture values and worships the OPPOSITE of Nonviolence

November 24, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

We need to recognize that our national culture is trapped in myths, values, beliefs, and an educational system that are the OPPOSITE of Nonviolence. In the 1760s and 1770s, nonviolent resistance was already winning independence for the 13 colonies before the Revolutionary War started killing British troops and thereby gave England a reason to violently wage war against the colonies.  Gene Sharp’s research showed that we would have achieved independence sooner if we had continued nonviolent resistance instead of resorting to war. We have worshiped the military ever since, even though the U.S. has not won a war since World […]