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“Active Nonviolence in Daily Life” — My speaking engagement includes practical and religious aspects

November 6, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Olympia’s Westminster Presbyterian Church invited me to speak there about “Active Nonviolence in Daily Life” on Sunday October 8, 2023. I prepared a message that solidly delivered on the topic they gave me.  The audience liked very much – and they told me so.  Although this was a speaking engagement rather than a sermon, one person said it was the best sermon they had ever heard.  Much of what I said will be new to the friends and family members to whom I’m sending this e-mail. I shared: Insights into understanding profoundly what nonviolence is – and why it is […]

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How to Communicate Your Issues to the General Public

October 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2023 TV program in the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series provides a wealth of information, insights, and practical ways for you to strengthen your skills and strategies, so you will be more effective in reaching out to the public and decision-making bodies so you can achieve the goals you want for the issues you care about. It’s not enough for us to merely accumulate more information and talk among ourselves.  In order to achieve our goals for the issues we care about, we need to change public opinion and build a strong, smart movement from the grassroots up to […]

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Replace Simplistic “National Security” with TRUE Security

July 30, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

This has POWERFUL INFORMATION and SMART INSIGHTS. I strongly encourage you to watch this TV program and/or read the transcript with additional information. The August 2023 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides a FRESH, BOLD, CREATIVE re-thinking of U.S. foreign policy. Our status quo of seeking “national security” really urges military violence.  Instead, I explain how TRUE Security would be based on fairness, cooperation and nonviolence.  The U.S.’s foreign policy angers the world and does not even make us secure.  The TRUE Security I propose would actually solve the problems that make the world dangerous.  It would make […]

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Insights into Russia’s current crisis, dissidents, nonviolent resistance to tyranny, etc.

June 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Here is an article from a knowledgeable person who posts information every day about substantive issues:   Russia is screwed up in many ways.  Putin is extremely horrible – and was head of their equivalent of the CIA before he became president.  In the past few years, MANY high-level Russian officials who disagreed with Putin were found dead on sidewalks below open windows of tall buildings where they had been.  This is clearly a coordinated plot to murder people who disagreed with Putin.   I have read a lot about the Wagner group, which not only opposes Putin, but […]

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“Using Lotteries to Create an Open Democracy”

May 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2023 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series helps us think about democracy more profoundly, more creatively, and more boldly than we are used to doing. Instead of narrowly electing one person or another, how could we devise a more profound kind of democracy in which ALL people have real voices and real power?  How could we eliminate the corruption caused by big businesses, extremely rich people, and political parties?  How could we empower real people instead of being dominated by a political class of overlords? Anyone anywhere can watch this June 2023 program through this blog: WATCH […]

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“International Courts and War Crimes” — TV + online

April 10, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Anyone anywhere can watch the April 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series.  This interview informs people about exciting, positive ways to protect peace, human rights, and fairness worldwide. Joanne Dufour is exceptionally well informed about the United Nations, International Humanitarian Law, international courts, war crimes, and related issues.  She explains these and related topics in a one-hour TV interview that you can watch through this blog post.  (See the link below.) Also, people in Thurston County WA who have cable TV can watch it on channel 22 three times a week throughout April 2023: every Monday at 1:30 […]

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To solve political-social-economic problems, we must organize PEOPLE-POWER grassroots movements

February 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Several years ago, a guest on one of my TV programs said that only 5% of democracy is about voting, while 95% of democracy is about organizing grassroots movements.  I agree. People who have official power (politicians, big businesses, etc.) want ordinary people to feel powerless and get out of the way, so they themselves can make all of the important decisions. Alice Walker said, “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” If ordinary people actually did recognize our power — and our huge potential to organize strategically from the grassroots […]

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TV + online: “Smart Strategies to Organize for Peace and No Nuclear Weapons”

February 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The March 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides fresh insights and smart strategies to help us achieve peace in the world and abolish nuclear weapons worldwide. In this TV program, I address these main points: Point #1.    The U.S. has been provoking nuclear weapons since the 1940s. Point #2.    Nuclear weapons exist in the overall context of U.S. foreign policy.  To achieve peace, we must debunk the MISTAKEN ASSUMPTIONS that have trapped us in endless wars and the suicide of nuclear weapons. To get out of those traps, we must think clearly and creatively – and de-militarize […]

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Here is what a REAL “Christian nation” would look like

February 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Right-wing Christians and most Republicans keep saying they want the U.S. to be a “Christian nation.” But they do NOT want it to be the kind of society that Jesus was actually promoting. Jesus NEVER objected to abortion or homosexuality or immigration. What Jesus REALLY kept teaching and practicing are ethical, humane, loving, compassionate actions: Feed the hungry Heal the sick Welcome the stranger (and the foreigner and other ethnic groups) with equal human dignity as ourselves Instead of attacking LGBTQ persons or persons who want abortions, Jesus REPEATEDLY LAMBASTED: Rich people who failed to share with the poor Self-righteous […]

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Nonviolent Ways to Heal Our Society’s Dysfunction — Watch Glen’s TV program online or on cable

February 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The February 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides insights and inspiration to help people solve problems that have been getting worse in our society. After mentioning some serious problems, we pivot toward proposing some smart nonviolent ways to solve the problems.  This TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative and practical. Rivera Sun is the expert guest who helps us explore these topics.  Rivera Sun is an author, activist, and the Programs Coordinator for Pace e Bene / Campaign Nonviolence. People in Thurston County WA who have cable TV can watch it on channel 22 three times a […]

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January 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Every few weeks I’ll be posting a CALENDAR of COMING EVENTS. It lists a CALENDAR of SPECIFIC EVENTS during the next few weeks.  After that long list, it includes some recurring events for every day, every week, and every month, so please scroll down through the entire document to see MANY opportunities for a WIDE VARIETY of issues. Here is my calendar for JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2023: CALENDAR — 2023 JAN-FEB      

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Conscientious Objectors and other War Resisters in Ukraine and Russia

January 18, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Here is the lead article from the publication I’ve been reading (and financially supporting) for more than half a century (since 1972).  The Center on Conscience and War ( has supported conscientious objectors to war since the very beginning of World War II. Their Winter 2022-2023 issue features this lead article, titled “Love Your Neighbor.  No Exceptions.”  It provides information for people in Russia and Ukraine who are refusing to fight the war. Click to access ccw-newsletter-Winter-2022-2023-web-opt.pdf