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MORE good news: House Votes to Defund TWO New Nuclear Weapons Programs

July 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Contrary to the “conventional wisdom” that nuclear weapons protect us, they actually ENDANGER us.  Nuclear weapons THREATEN our national security and the security of everyone else on Planet Earth. Just now I posted to my blog the GOOD NEWS that the House has refused to spend money for a reckless new nuclear weapon.  Now THIS blog post reports on a second one that the House has refused to fund. This information came in late June 2019 from a different source, the Arms Control Association (, a long-standing and well-respected organization working to limit nuclear weapons: House Votes to Defund Two […]

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GOOD NEWS: U.S. House votes to stop new nuclear weapons in Trump’s budget

July 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

On June 25, 2019, the national office of Physicians for Social Responsibility ( announced this good news: U.S. House votes to stop new nuclear weapons in Trump’s budget The so-called “low-yield” nuclear weapon (W76-2) would NOT be a step toward peace, but rather a nuclear weapon that a president and the Pentagon would consider more “usable” and therefore more likely to be used. Realistic people recognized that if this “usable” nuclear weapon were used, it would rapidly escalate into an all-out nuclear war. Therefore, the peace movement and other reasonable people have been opposing it. Now the U.S. House has […]

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Click links to see resources about nuclear weapons

June 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Since the 1940s the U.S. has been provoking a nuclear arms race and escalating the dangers.  Only during a few short periods of time when the public organized strong opposition did the government ease up, sign treaties, and reduce its efforts.  Now we must rise up again and organize a strong movement to stop the massive escalation that is underway now.  Beyond that, we must organize a strong movement to abolish nuclear weapons altogether. The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is an active member of a statewide coalition, Washington Against Nuclear Weapons ( WANW has conducted day-long workshops to […]

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URGENT! Tell Congress to prevent Trump from starting war against Iran

June 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Trump keeps threatening war against Iran.  His National Security Advisor John Bolton is salivating at the possibility of starting that war, which Bolton has been urging for many, many years.  His Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also is a hawk supporting war. The Constitution EXPLICITLY states that ONLY CONGRESS can declare war.  A president cannot start a war based on his own authority.  The U.S. has been violating the Constitution for many decades!  After 9-11-2001 the Bush/Cheney regime pushed Congress to delegate Congress’s authority to the president through a sweeping open-ended “Authorization to Use Military Force” (AUMF), which lets to […]

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Please take these simple actions to prevent nuclear war.

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Urge all presidential candidates to pledge “NO FIRST USE” of nuclear weapons: And also here: Tell Congress to prevent nuclear war! Urge Congress to save the New START Agreement!  Trump keeps bailing out of sensible treaties.  We must urge Congress to PROTECT a treaty that reduces the danger of nuclear war.  Please see this information and contact Congress. It takes only a minute or two. The push for “low-yield” (Hiroshima-sized and somewhat bigger) nuclear weapons is NOT a step toward peace, but rather a scheme to increase the likelihood that a president will launch them.  They would […]

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Links to several articles about warhawk John Bolton

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This article about “John Bolton, Pyromaniac” says it would be crazy to hire a chronic pyromaniac to be fire chief, but that’s what Trump did to the U.S. when he hired John Bolton to be his National Security Advisor.  See this article:”   The article at the following link says, “The Most Dangerous Man in the World Is Trump’s National Security Adviser,” and it also says, “On Venezuela and Iran, Donald Trump is the adult in the room next to John Bolton.”  Here is the link:   This article says, “Fear the Mustache: Why Bolton Makes Even Donald Trump […]

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John Bolton, Trump’s National Security Advisor, Is Horribly Wrong and Eager for More Wars.

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

John Bolton is itching for a war against Iran, Venezuela, and other places.  He has a long history of being horribly wrong on international issues, opposing diplomacy, and lusting after more wars. Bolton is so extreme that later in May and early June 2019 Trump felt the need to tone down his own hawkish rhetoric and threats. This article from May 2019 says John Bolton is “itching for a war.”  He threatened Iran with “unrelenting force” as U.S. bombers were being deployed to the Middle East.  He wants to provoke any excuse to start a war. See this article: […]

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Stop the cruel economic sanctions and economic disruptions against Venezuela, Iran, and elsewhere.

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In order to bully other nations with whom the U.S. government does not get along, our government imposes cruel economic sanctions — and sometimes viciously disrupts the economies — against other nations. Most Americans go along with this.  They just don’t want American troops “on the ground,” so economic abuses are a way to attack other nations.  But this kind of bullying is wrong too. I wrote this one-page article to explain.  Please urge the U.S. government to stop this abuse. Economic sanctions are bullying without bombing or sending troops    

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Click to sign these petitions to prevent Trump’s war against Iran

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Trump seems hell-bent for a totally unnecessary and stupid war against Iran. Trump hired his national security advisor John Bolton, who has been fanatically urging war against Iran for several decades.  Bolton has a long history of opposing diplomacy and being wrong on foreign policy issues. I urge you to click to sign several petitions to prevent Trump from starting another war in the region. Trump wants to start a war against Iran, which has about 4 or 5 times the population of Iraq, which the U.S. destroyed in 1991 and in 2003, and which has never recovered.  The U.S.’s […]

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Replace the “national security” scheme with “TRUE Security.”

June 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is obsessed with “national security” and wastes about half of our discretionary budget on militarism, nuclear weapons, covert actions, and violence around the world. This obsession and waste cause much neglect and suffering within the U.S. as well as abuse and endless wars and suffering around the world. We must replace the wasteful, ineffective, and downright counterproductive “national security” scheme with a fresh approach:  “TRUE Security.” See this: TRUE Security TABLE.doc        

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How We Got into Our Current Crisis

May 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

I wrote an insightful article in 2017, and it is still valid, so I updated it only a little and posted it here. I’ll write another proposing remedies for how to get out of this crisis.  Look for that within the next few weeks. How We Got into Our Current Crisis  

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Korean people — North and South — want peace. Don’t let the U.S. gov’t reduce them to a bargaining chip.

May 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Technically, the Korean War never ended. A ceasefire occurred in the early 1950s, but the war never officially ended. The De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) has been the most heavily militarized border for more than half a century. Unlike many nations, the people of Korea – North and South – are all THE SAME ethnic group. The boundary is a cruel Cold War relic that divided families. Virtually all Koreans want to be together. This article notes the one-year anniversary of an important joint statement for peace and reconciliation. Since the early 1950s the U.S. government has arrogantly played politics instead of […]