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We need PEACE instead of provoking war with Russia.

November 7, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

As soon as the Russian Revolution occurred in 1917, the U.S. treated that nation as an enemy.  Although the Soviet Union was an ally with the U.S. in opposing Nazi Germany, when Japan was ready to surrender in 1945, the U.S. unnecessarily dropped two atomic bombs on Japan — partly in order to intimidate the Soviet Union.  For many decades from 1945 until the USSR collapsed in 1991, the U.S. kept treating that nation as an enemy with whom we were locked in a Cold War that was ready at any moment to destroy the entire world with nuclear weapons.  […]

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New poll shows the public supports the separation of Church and State

November 7, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

New polling data were released recently.  The public supports the separation of Church and State. See this:   For more information, see the website of Americans United for the separation of Church and State at and their blog, Wall of Separation BLOG   You can learn a lot more by watching my October 2021 TV program at this link: This link lets you WATCH the interview video and/or READ the thorough summary I typed up about what we said during the interview.   Right-wing Christians are pushing state-level policies to erode the separation of Church and State.  See […]

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Here is a short analogy for governments’ timidity in taking meaningful climate actions

November 6, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Government officials SAY nice things about the climate, but they keep failing to take meaningful actions to fix the climate crisis. Also, they try to avoid being held accountable for their negligence. CONSIDER THIS ANALOGY: Someone with a serious addiction to alcohol says he wants to cure his addiction. He says he will reduce his alcohol consumption 20% by the year 2035. He also refuses to be held accountable if he fails to reach that target. This is what most of the politicians in the polluting nations are doing about the climate.            

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OCTOBER events and online opportunities

October 8, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Here is a list of many coming events and opportunities on a wide variety of in October 2021. I created the attached document today. It informs you about many events and opportunities on a wide variety of issues that are coming up in the next few weeks.  Many are online, so people EVERYWHERE can participate. The attached document includes live links to connect you with more information about these events and opportunities. CALENDAR — October 8 2021 and beyond

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Prevent Congress from drafting women!

September 29, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

In the past few years I have posted to my blog’s category about Military Service, Recruitment, the Draft, etc. some news about the danger that the military draft might be expanded to include (and oppress) women equally with men.  Instead of copying those links here, you can see those posts at that category of my blog. Here is what’s new now:   On September 3, 2021, the Quaker-based lobbying organization “Friends Committee on National Legislation” ( reported this: Amendment Approved to Include Women in Draft:  The House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment requiring women to register for the draft. […]

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“Religious Freedom: What it Is – and What it Is Not”

September 26, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2021 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides fresh information and insights into some controversies that have confused and misled many Americans about many matters, including our human rights and how our government functions. In a free society, people need to get along with each other – including people whose beliefs differ from each other – and we must protect fairness for all people.  This includes the relationships between religious beliefs and governments. During this interview an expert clarifies what religious freedom IS and what it is NOT.  We clear up confusion about the centuries-old American principle of “the […]

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The U.S.’s defeat in Afghanistan reveals the ongoing decline of U.S. empire.

September 25, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

For many decades, politicians have been telling the American people that the U.S. is the strongest nation on earth — the mighty protector of peace and democracy and human rights and freedom — and that our military is the strongest and most powerful. But we keep losing wars — including our losses to poor nations such as Vietnam and Afghanistan. The U.S. Empire is a sham — a “Potemkin Village” — but despite its gross ineffectiveness, both political parties vigorously fund more military violence. When the U.S. clearly lost its 20-year war in Afghanistan, several savvy persons wrote articles such […]

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Nuclear power is horribly expensive and doomed to fail. See new info here.

September 25, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Here is an appallingly stupid example I had not heard of before. It is yet one more compelling piece of evidence that nuclear power is NOT a “low-carbon” alternative to fossil fuels.  Nuclear power is horribly expensive and NOT cost-effective. The article includes much more information that I had not previously known. I encourage people to read this article and share it with people who need to know the hard realities.                

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Vietnam — What most people don’t know — And similarities to Afghanistan

September 25, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

When the U.S. was in the process of losing its 20-year war in Afghanistan – one of the poorest nations on earth – I kept thinking of similarities with the U.S.’s ongoing cruelty and violence and war crimes in Vietnam from the 1940s to 1975.  (Vietnam also was a very poor nation, but Vietnam’s people defeated the world’s most powerful military decades before Afghanistan did that to the U.S.) Mainstream U.S. news media have a very long record of kowtowing to U.S. foreign policy instead of reporting critical and true information.  Most schools’ history classes run behind schedule in the […]

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Info and legislation about de-criminalizing drugs

September 11, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

A few days ago I sent this message to Congress about smart ways to deal with the drug problems.  We must DE-CRIMINALIZE drug use and use public health strategies to help people.   Nixon’s “War on Drugs” was DESIGNED TO BE RACIST AND CRUEL — a way to score political points for DEMONIZING “THE OTHER.” The “War on Drugs” has been going on for HALF A CENTURY.  It has NOT solved problems.  Instead, it has – Seriously disrupted millions of people’s lives – Broken families apart – Promoted racial injustices – Filled our jails and prisons with people who need […]

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Insights into the horribly dysfunctional Republican Party

September 11, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The Republican Party used to be positioned at the somewhat conservative end of the mainstream political spectrum.  It tended to support business interests while the Democratic Party supported the working class.  Both parties wanted government to function.  But in recent years — especially with Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, the Tea Party and Trump — the Republican Party has been AGGRESSIVELY DESTROYING the parts of the government that actually helped people and the environment, while AGGRESSIVELY MAKING EVERYTHING WORSE through corruption, cronyism, racism, sexism, and various kinds of oppression and brutality.  The Republican Party now actually OPPOSES DEMOCRACY and supported the […]

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This woman exposed a shocking irony …

September 11, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Betty Bowers publicly stated: “Texas doesn’t have a hotline if you see a man go into a kindergarten with an AR-15, but it does have a hotline if you see a woman go into a Planned Parenthood parking lot with her car.”   The Republican-dominated government of Texas does not seem to understand the irony — or appreciate women’s rights.                    

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Life sentences are horribly cruel and unjust in many ways

September 11, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The “conventional wisdom” wants you to think that long prison sentences make the rest of us safe.  That is NOT true.  Long prison sentences — especially life sentences — are horribly cruel and unjust in many ways. An excellent source of information is The Sentencing Project,  They conduct excellent quality research and advocacy to reduce and eliminate the gross injustices in criminal justice sentencing.  I have read their materials and donated financial support for many years. In April 2021 they reported this:  “One in seven people in prison — over 200,000 individuals — are serving a sentence of life […]

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The U.S.’s bullying of NATO is very dangerous for the whole world

September 9, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Michael Klare’s smart article below lays out the context for the dangerous escalation of a new nuclear arms race: Dividing the World Into Opposing Camps Is the Road to Armageddon Washington aims to recast NATO in the image of the US military, with its focus on “great power competition” and a renewed arms race with Russia and China. By Michael T. Klare for The Nation

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Right-wing extremists have radically changed U.S. politics. Now our democracy is in serious danger.

September 9, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

This article’s headline and sub-head are these: Go Ahead, Worry! A Worst-Case Scenario for American Democracy The American far right has transformed politics in unprecedented ways. Can this be reversed? This article’s author says why he wrote it:  “I offer here a tentative map of the multiple and interlocking dimensions of the threat from the contemporary far right.”  His article lists ten serious factors.  Read the article here: