Prevent Congress from drafting women!

In the past few years I have posted to my blog’s category about Military Service, Recruitment, the Draft, etc. some news about the danger that the military draft might be expanded to include (and oppress) women equally with men.  Instead of copying those links here, you can see those posts at that category of my blog.

Here is what’s new now:


On September 3, 2021, the Quaker-based lobbying organization “Friends Committee on National Legislation” ( reported this:

Amendment Approved to Include Women in Draft:  The House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment requiring women to register for the draft. FCNL strongly opposes this step—the Selective Service System should be abolished entirely, not expanded.


On September 4, 2021, the American Friends Service Committee (, a Quaker-based peace & justice organization, sent this information out: Quaker and feminist organizations denounce vote on drafting women:

Earlier this week, the House Armed Services Committee passed an amendment that would expand draft eligibility to women. AFSC condemned the vote. “There is nothing feminist about forcing women, or anyone, to participate in preparations for war. Congress needs to get rid of the outdated and punitive Selective Service System for everyone,” says AFSC’s Tori Bateman.


On September 1, 2021, Courage to Resist (, an organization opposing the militarization of people, posted this:

House and Senate Committees vote to make women register for the draft

The article is at this link:


You can get more information about the military draft — how the law and regulations actually function — how to protect your rights — etc., by contacting Glen Anderson, who is the primary contact person for the Thurston County Draft Counseling Center, (360) 491-9093  We offer FREE, CONFIDENTIAL, non-directive counseling to help people protect their rights and make their own best decisions regarding the military draft, resistance, Conscientious Objection, etc.







About GlenAnderson 1515 Articles
Since the late 1960s Glen Anderson has devoted his life to working as a volunteer for peace, nonviolence, social justice, and progressive political issues. He has worked through many existing organizations and started several. Over the years he has worked especially for such wide-ranging goals as making peace with Vietnam, eliminating nuclear weapons, converting from a military economy to a peacetime economy, abolishing the death penalty, promoting nonviolence at all levels throughout society, and helping people organize and strategize for grassroots movements to solve many kinds of problems. He writes, speaks, and conducts training workshops on a wide variety of topics. Since 1987 he has produced and hosted a one-hour cable TV interview program on many kinds of issues. Since 2017 he has blogged at He lives in Lacey near Olympia WA. You can reach him at (360) 491-9093