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Bernie Sanders proposes a $16 TRILLION Green New Deal — and proposes how to pay for it

August 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The climate crisis is extremely serious. Modest efforts (like nearly all Democrats tolerate) will NOT be enough! The cost of doing nothing will be HORRIBLE for our quality of life, for the survival of humans and our civilization, and for the economy.  (Some people don’t care about the first items here, but damage to the economy might get their attention. Bernie Sanders proposes cutting the military budget in order to fund the Green New Deal.  The military FAILS to protect us, but the Green New Deal is absolutely necessary for our protection — and our “national security” if you want […]

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This smart, short video explains why top executives’ income has grown much, much more than workers’ pay – and how we can reduce that gross inequality.

August 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Robert Reich (a previous administration’s Secretary of the Department of Labor) has continued to pay close attention to public policy issues, especially related to economics and political fairness.  He wrote this: Average CEO pay at big corporations topped 14.5 million dollars in 2018. That’s after an increase of $5.2 million per CEO over the past decade, while the average worker’s pay has increased just 7,858 dollars over the decade. Just to catch up to what their CEO made in 2018 alone, it would take the typical worker 158 years. This explosion in CEO pay relative to the pay of average […]

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Trump’s FBI, etc., go after blacks, Muslims, etc., but largely ignore white nationalists and right-wing terrorists

August 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The term “terrorist” has been slanted to make people think of Muslims. The term “gang” has been slanted to make people think of Blacks or Latinos. But actually, nearly all of the mass shooters have been white, and many of them have been RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS (some quoting Trump’s rhetoric) who targeted the groups that the Trump regime and other propagandists have been pressuring the public to fear and hate (LGBTQ folks, Muslims, Jews, etc.), along with random people. If we want to stop the epidemic of mass shootings — and hate crimes — we must look at who is committing […]

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The Green New Deal would be good in many ways!

August 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Green New Deal is an amazingly good idea.  It provides fresh thinking “outside the box” by bringing together environmentalists, labor, local communities, poor people, young people, and other diverse constituencies.  It is a “win-win-win-win-win ” all the way around.  I urge all kinds of people to work together in grand coalitions to pass the Green New Deal through Congress. In the 1930s, FDR’s New Deal helped our nation in many ways.  Now we need a NEW “GREEN New Deal” to help us in many ways, including the environment and climate, which were less pressing issues during the 1930s.   […]

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Practical strategies for forestry, agriculture, etc., to protect the climate

August 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Much of the effort for the climate focuses on what NOT to do:  what to do less of, and what to stop altogether. Let’s also promote POSITIVE REMEDIES.  Smart science has identified several PRACTICAL STRATEGIES for forestry, agriculture, etc., that can protect the climate.  Here are a few examples.   #1.  Plant trees to protect the climate. Better yet, CUT DOWN FEWER TREES.  Let’s sharply reduce the number of trees that are cut down.  Let’s protect rainforests, other forests, and random trees everywhere. The article at the link below begins with this paragraph:  Every year, an estimated 15 billion trees […]

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The U.S. Deserves Its Own Nuremberg Trials

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This smart, insightful article deserves to be read widely and acted upon:        

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Militarism is the U.S.’s national religion!

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

A retired Air Force officer who was raised Catholic wrote this powerful article. It deserves to be read widely. Here it is:        

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Pass the law that will allow law suits against gun manufacturers – Sign the Petition

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Conservatives believe in the glories of the “market” in driving public policies.  But they avoid using “market” solutions for certain kinds of issues. Let’s make gun manufacturers LEGALLY AND FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE for the expensive damage their products cause?  Several years ago cigarette manufacturers were held responsible and provided funding for state governments.  Gun manufacturers impose huge costs upon individual victims and their families, and also local governments (policing, courts, etc.), and health providers (hospitals, insurance companies, etc.).   See more information and sign a petition is at this link:      

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Extreme Inequality Is Driving Anxiety and Depression in the U.S.

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Economic inequality is a SERIOUS CRISIS in the U.S. — not only because it is economically unjust, but also because it hurts our health and mental health. See this article:        

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Presidential candidates MUST pledge “No First Use” of nuclear weapons! But CNN’s debate journalist BIASED his question about this.

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Most Americans want a “No First Use” protection against starting a nuclear war.  But during an early August 2019 presidential debate, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked about it in an extremely biased and deceptive way by referring to “No First Use” as “tying the President’s hands.” Actually, “No First Use” is REQUIRED BY THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, which explicitly says ONLY CONGRESS has the authority to declare war.  However, since 1945 a de facto loophole has existed in which a president has grabbed the power to start the biggest war of all — a NUCLEAR WAR — without getting Congress to declare […]

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Pass a law to allow victims and families to hold gun manufacturers accountable for the violence they cause!

August 13, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Mass shootings plague the U.S., but many politicians offer only “thoughts and prayers.”  Some other politicians urge passing several kinds of laws to reduce gun violence. Buy why not pass a law to hold gun manufacturers LEGALLY AND FINANCIALLY ACCOUNTABLE for the violence their products cause?  Let’s allow victims, families, local governments, and public health advocates to sue them for damages.  Then the glories of the “free market” can do its magic! Here are some information and a petition you can sign:            

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Trump reportedly employs MANY undocumented immigrant workers

August 13, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Voters hate hypocrisy in their politicians! Since Trump’s inauguration I have read several news articles reporting that Trump has been employing MANY undocumented immigrant workers.    Yet another article was posted on August 12, 2019, with the headline “Top official refuses to say if Trump is also being investigated for exploiting undocumented labor.” The link is at this URL:      

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The world is uniting for international law, against US empire.

August 13, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The world is uniting for international law, against US empire. Below I have linked an informative article (Aug 12, 2019, by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers) that focuses especially on the U.S.’s failure to overthrow Venezuela’s government.  It mentions the Non-Aligned Movement as a mobilizing force. Besides opposing the U.S.’s “regime-change” efforts, the article also opposes the U.S.’s cruel economic sanctions against many nations, and it upholds international law. Here is the interesting, informative article: