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The U.S.’s “democracy” is seriously weakening!

January 17, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. likes to think of itself as the best democracy in the world — and a beacon and role model for other nations. American politicians like to brag about this. But ACTUALLY, the U.S.’s democracy has been SERIOUSLY WEAKENING for a number of years — and in several ways. Our nation suffers many serious problems, but extremely rich people and big businesses profit from those problems (pollution, low wages, racial injustices, an out-of-control and constantly escalating war machine, elections that are dominated by Big Money, news media that favor the Establishment, Republicans’ many deliberate actions to cheat in elections […]

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Minimum wage is trapped too low. CEO/worker pay gap increases widely.

January 17, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

For many years Congress has refused to raise the minimum wage. Many states refuse to raise their minimum wage above the federal minimum. Meanwhile, extremely rich people have gotten extremely more rich. Rich people and big businesses fund Congressional candidates’ campaigns. We must get Big Money out of election campaigns. And we need the news media to report more vigorously on the horrible inequality between extremely rich people and everybody else. See this powerful image about the VERY LOW federal minimum wage and the EXTREMELY HIGH INCOMES of corporate executives: (It is safe to open this image, even if you […]

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“America First” is morally wrong, cruel, stupid, dangerous, and counter-productive in many ways

January 16, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Trump pushed an “America First” dogma, but the slogan pre-dated him by nearly a century.  Isolationists tried to pretend that the U.S. could exist by itself without regard to the well-being of the rest of the world.  They believed we could get away with being selfish. Also, that was the English language translation of Hitler’s slogan, “Deutschland uber alles,” which meant Germany over everybody else.   Selfishness and contempt for other people are morally wrong for reasons any decent person should immediately understand.  The “America First” dogma leads directly to cruelty toward other nations. The “America First” dogma also leads […]

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Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke STRONGLY AGAINST nuclear weapons

January 14, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

This information came from a great non-profit organization, the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (, which organizes against nuclear weapons.  It is located near the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, plant where the U.S. government makes plutonium pits, etc., for our nuclear weapons.   More than fifty years after his death, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered as a civil rights icon, recalled for his stirring words at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 when he declared “I have a dream!” Beyond that, for lots of people, things get blurry. When an MLK parade is led by the local high […]

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Let’s Recognize Legal Rights for Nature

January 2, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The January 2022 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides a fresh perspective — and proposes a fresh solution — for some environmental problems that are serious but are not being solved by conventional methods. Glen Anderson interviewed two experts — Kai Huschke and Elliott Moffett — who have savvy insights and practical experience working to protect environments and establish legal rights for nature. Very often, when people want to protect the environment by filing appeals in governmental hearings or in courts, the environmentalists’ cases are dismissed because – even though the environment is being hurt – those individuals themselves are […]