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Non-profit orgs provides resources and truly smart proposals for a peaceful U.S. foreign policy

December 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

For four years Trump made the U.S.’s cruel, violent, counter-productive foreign policy even worse.  Joe Biden will most likely retreat from some of Trump’s worst foreign policy blunders, but Biden has a decades-long track record of supporting wars and recklessly cruel, unjust foreign policies and unnecessary military weapons. Therefore, returning from Trumpism to “normal” is NOT ENOUGH!  We need a TRULY PEACEFUL foreign policy, not “American Exceptionalism” and what Senator William Fulbright called “the arrogance of Power.”  We must replace the threats of violence, the actual wars, the bloated budgets, and the contempt for international law that have defined U.S. […]

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Biden should take these steps for peace.

December 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S.’s foreign policy has been provoking people into becoming terrorists.  We need to push Biden into boldly changing that persistent pattern.  If the Biden administration really wants to stop fueling chaos and terrorism in the world, it must radically transform the CIA.   Sign petition urging Biden to End Trump’s Coercive Measures Against the International Criminal Court: The International Criminal Court has been investigating the actions of all parties to the war in Afghanistan and potentially investigating Israel’s actions in Palestine.  Trump has always refused to be held accountable for his crimes and other mistakes.  This is consistent with the U.S. […]