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Click to sign petition to free Rodney Reed, who is INNOCENT but still in prison

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

This came on April 28, 2023 from the Grassroots Law Project, For over 2 decades, Rodney Reed has been rotting in jail for a crime he did not commit with a death penalty looming over him. With a lot of effort, we were able to remove the death penalty for him — and now we have more good news on this case. With unbelievable support from you, Glen, this week the Supreme Court has cleared the way for Rodney Reed to use DNA evidence to prove his innocence. This is HUGE news! But we still have a long way […]

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Sister Helen Prejean spoke about an innocent man on death row whose trial was grossly unfair.

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

On May 8, 2023, Sister Helen Prejean was interviewed about a horrible decades-long case of Oklahoma’s mania to execute an innocent person.  Now even Oklahoma’s Attorney General says Richard Glossip did not receive a fair trial.  Even if you already know about Richard Glossip’s tragic situation, this interview will be interesting.  If you do not already know, this information will be powerful.              

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A strategically smart 3-step testimony for legislation to abolish the DP

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Many times I have testified to Washington State legislative committees.  In 2020 I did this again.  I’m attaching below a slightly longer version of what I said.  This document summarizes a strategically smart three-step process to convince people (legislators, the public, etc.) why it is important to abolish the death penalty — and why abolishing it would not endanger the public. A major obstacle in convincing the public and legislatures to abolish the DP is their fear that it protects our safety.  My third point in this testimony points out that we could abolish it without endangering public safety.  It […]

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Amnesty International’s new report on the death penalty worldwide

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Amnesty International posted this new information on May 16, 2023: Worldwide executions have reached the highest level in five years. According to Amnesty’s new Death Penalty Report 2022 released today, the Middle East and North Africa’s most notorious executioners carried out killing sprees and China remains the world’s leading executioner. “It’s often those from disadvantaged backgrounds disproportionately affected by this callous punishment.” Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General   VIEW REPORT (PDF)   Amnesty International recorded 883 executions in 20 countries in 2022, a 53% increase from 579 recorded in 2021. This figure represents the highest number of executions Amnesty International recorded in […]

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Death Penalty 101: Learn the “talking points” about why to abolish it: May 31 on Zoom for just one hour

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Do you want to repeal the death penalty but don’t know the talking points? Have you gotten involved in the anti-death penalty movement but don’t know the history? This meeting is for you! Come learn about the history of the death penalty and the many arguments against it. There is a midday time and an evening time, both events will have the same content, so pick the time that works best for you to attend this virtual Zoom session. Death Penalty 101 Wednesday, May 31 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – Register here 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM – Register here Virtual […]

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“Using Lotteries to Create an Open Democracy”

May 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2023 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series helps us think about democracy more profoundly, more creatively, and more boldly than we are used to doing. Instead of narrowly electing one person or another, how could we devise a more profound kind of democracy in which ALL people have real voices and real power?  How could we eliminate the corruption caused by big businesses, extremely rich people, and political parties?  How could we empower real people instead of being dominated by a political class of overlords? Anyone anywhere can watch this June 2023 program through this blog: WATCH […]

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“We the People vs. Corporate Rule: It’s up to Us” — May 2023 TV program and article about constitutional amendment

May 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2023 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series makes a solid case for amending the U.S. Constitution in a way that would greatly strengthen democracy and promote fairness and progress for the wide range of issues people care about. For a long time the Supreme Court has given business corporations constitutional rights that our nation’s founders intended only for human beings – and the Supreme Court has allowed Big Money to corrupt our elections. Glen interviewed two well informed guests who are savvy organizers working with the organization Move to Amend.  They explain how we got into this […]