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Here is a compelling case for an immediate CEASEFIRE in Ukraine

November 10, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Phyllis Bennis is one of the most savvy analysts and writers about foreign affairs. We need to spread widely this smart article she wrote in early November 2022:        

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Biden, etc., are stuck in a manic Cold War obsession that could destroy the world in nuclear war

November 10, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Biden filled his foreign policy positions with appointees who share Biden’s Cold War mania and bias in favor of militarism — instead of honest diplomacy and peace. For example, he appointed Anthony Blinkin to be his Secretary of State.  The State Department is the federal agency in charge of directing U.S. interactions with other nations.  Presidents should appoint to that position persons who are solidly committed to peace, honest diplomacy, etc.  Biden appointed Anthony Blinkin, whose career has focused on URGING OTHER NATIONS TO BUY MILITARY WEAPONS MADE BY U.S. CORPORATIONS.  That is how Joe Biden sees the role of […]

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“Choose a Bold, Humane Future” — Glen’s November 2022 TV program

November 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The November 2022 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides many fresh insights that can inform and empower you to take bold, positive actions on issues you care about. The American people know serious problems exist.  Public opinion polls keep showing that increasing majorities say our nation is “on the wrong track.” So what do we do about it?  Take small steps only?  Or solve the big problems? Our November 2022 TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative, and encouraging.  Besides working to stop what we oppose, what if we also worked equally hard and skillfully to accomplish what we […]

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Here are many QUOTATIONS to help you create a BOLD, HUMANE FUTURE

November 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

We all know the status quo is dysfunctional in many ways. We want to create a much better future for every sector of society. We REALLY CAN do that! Over the years I have accumulated (and written) a great many short quotations that can inform and inspire us. I sorted them into 13 categories (Democracy, Peace, Environment, Nonviolence, etc.). I invite you to read these great QUOTATIONS in the document I compiled: 2022.11 BOLD HUMANE FUTURE — QUOTATIONS   After I produced this TV program and posted it to my blog, my e-mail address changed from to  When […]