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Stop the Endless Wars. Repeal the 2001 AUMF.

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

For decades the Cold War allowed our nation’s militarists — and the weapons manufacturing corporations that fund them — to stampede the U.S. media and politicians and public into decades of recklessly wasteful military spending, including several wars and proxy wars and thousands of nuclear weapons.  They said that this is Priority #1, so we could not afford bold efforts to end poverty, take care of the environment, or do other crucial work. When the Cold War ended, those same vested interests — our nation’s militarists and the weapons manufacturers — and conservative elements that opposed solving our nation’s social […]

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Community Affirmation: Peace, Not Nuclear Weapons

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This Community Affirmation was affirmed at the June 1982 International Religious Convocation for the Second United Nations Special Session on Disarmament.  It remains timely today.   Community Affirmation   We who live in the shadow of the mushroom cloud and the dangers of bullets on our streets Today declare our hope in the future.   From the diversity of our religious traditions We have come to renew our belief in the holiness of the earth and the sanctity of all life. We declare we are at peace with all people of good will.   We need no leader to define […]

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Declaration of Independence from Nuclear Weapons

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This document was created in 1985 and is still an important and positive alternative to our current crisis.  May we all join in! Dozens of persons (including me) signed this document on Fourth of July weekend of 1985 in a ceremony outside the Trident Nuclear Submarine base at Bangor in Kitsap County WA.  Ten years later dozens more signed it in a renewal of the original ceremony.  MAY WE ALL JOIN TOGETHER IN AFFIRMING IT NOW, decades later! Declaration of Independence from Nuclear Weapons We are people living in the shadow of nuclear annihilation. We recognize that our present way […]

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Monday July 30, 7:00 pm: Meet and hear Peace Walkers against nuclear weapons

July 25, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Meet & hear Peace Walkers against nuclear weapons July 30 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm PDT Traditions Café, 5th & Water SW, Olympia Meet and hear the people who are walking from Eugene, Oregon, to Bangor, Washington, when they pass through Olympia on Monday July 30.  This is the 14th year that members of the community at the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolence ( have walked for peace and nuclear disarmament. Olympia’s people enjoy connecting with them when they walk through our town. Join us this evening to celebrate the wonderful history of disarmament activities in western Washington. We […]

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Many individuals add up to strong “people-power!”

July 25, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

I enjoy sharing with people a story I heard about 40 years ago.  We need to internalize this story’s message, let it inspire us to persist in organizing nonviolent grassroots movements for peace, human rights, the climate, and so forth — and share this story with other people. Here is the story: Two birds were enjoying a conversation while perched on a branch.  One of them mentioned that each individual snowflake weighs practically nothing.  A snowflake can land on a branch, and the branch does not move at all.  Another snowflake can land without the branch noticing it.  And another […]

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Practical and urgent reasons to PROTECT THE WHOLE WORLD’S CLIMATE

July 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Many people seem to think that the climate issue is just another add-on issue to the really important issues (economics, immigration, etc.) that keep getting our attention. WRONG! The climate crisis is a truly existential crisis — like nuclear weapons — that must be solved immediately if civilization is to survive. The climate crisis is both a symptom and a driver of other crucial issues.  The climate crisis is tied up intimately with other crucial issues such as the environment, immigration, governmental corruption, wars for oil, and other factors and consequences. The Pentagon has long recognized the climate crisis as […]

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Avoid the anti-Russia hype that promotes a new Cold War.

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Both of the big political parties — Republicans and Democrats – are stuck in their own agendas.  Neither of the big party really supports peace.  Each wants confrontation with Russia for different reasons.  Ordinary people must resist the anti-Russia hype and a new Cold War.The American people must assert that we want peace, not a new Cold War. Norman Solomon’s article at this link shows smart insights:

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U.S. needs immigrant workers because we disable our troops and underfund education

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Savvy people have been recognizing that the U.S. economy really needs immigrant workers. We do not have enough native-born workers for many jobs. And I don’t mean only working on farms and in restaurants. The U.S. imports a great many skilled workers: nurses, doctors, computer programmers, and so forth. For many decades the U.S. has been sending our troops to fight totally unnecessary wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Only recently has the government been admitting that many troops become disabled through PTSD and other physical and mental disabilities. Actually, the numbers are much, much higher than the government […]

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New resources about crucial nuclear weapons issues

July 11, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Lilly Adams from the new statewide coalition Washington Against Nuclear Weapons ( provided this hot news:   President Trump and President Putin will meet on July 16th to discuss a range of issues, including nuclear weapons policies and the New START Treaty. PSR has created a simple one-pager with background information and recommendations.  Read it here: For more in-depth information, see the Arms Control Association’s resources here:   The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons just published some fascinating and encouraging survey results from European “umbrella states” that host US nuclear weapons. Their findings: Europeans reject US nuclear […]

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U.S. Militarism Promotes Gun Violence. To reduce gun violence here, reduce military violence worldwide.

July 10, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

“Climate deniers” refuse to acknowledge the human causes of the climate crisis. Likewise some people try to blame gun violence on far-fetched causes such as popular music or pornography, even though those are common in other rich nations with very little gun violence. Deeply embedded in U.S. culture is an excessive willingness to use military violence. The U.S. has a long history of mistakenly thinking that violence solves problems. The U.S. has started wars to dominate other nations, especially since the 1898 Spanish American War. In the past 120 years the U.S. military has overthrown dozens of nations. We have […]

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A very short video shows what a nuclear bomb could do

June 28, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This video lasts only a very few minutes. But the message is clear. We must prevent nuclear weapons from ever being used. Click this link, scroll down a few paragraphs, and watch the very short video:  

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9 Ways Authoritarianism Is Taking Hold Under Trump

May 31, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

As you know, I read a huge amount of information.  Thom Hartmann’s article at the link below consolidates much solid information into CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT information that the American people need to understand. Trump and Trumpism are imposing horrible authoritarianism upon the U.S.  This is an extremely serious — actually existential — danger to American freedom and constitutional democracy. Trump’s authoritarianism abuses many aspects of American society. The article below connects many of the issues we care about, including peace, social justice, environment/climate, economics, and so forth.  The article ends with a call for nonviolent organizing to rise up against Trump’s […]

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Statewide coalition against nuclear weapons has new website

May 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is a very active member of the statewide coalition working against nuclear weapons.  “Washington Against Nuclear Weapons” was convened by Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR, Now Washington Against Nuclear Weapons has its own website, and more information is being added to it continually.  You can see its current status now and visit again later to see further information, which will be added in the coming weeks and months.  It is Please sign up on that website to keep in touch with our great statewide coalition.