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We Can Empower Ourselves to Replace the Current Cruelty and Corruption with Truth, Compassion, Fairness and Democracy

November 4, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Instead of the Cruelty and Corruption Being Dumped upon Our Nation, What Better Values and Policies Do We Want the U.S. to Affirm? Let’s Actively Work to Restore Truth, Compassion, Fairness and Democracy! Glen Anderson wrote this article in the spring of 2017, a few months into the Trump regime. Its message is still valid. Hard realities are settling upon us. It’s not just the new Executive Branch filled with ignorant and corrupt people who want to destroy the government’s ability to serve the broad public interest. It’s also most of Congress, which is fully complicit. And it’s the mainstream […]

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A blistering critique of U.S. politics! PART 1: “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World”

October 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

You can watch the November 2018 episode of the TV program for my series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” through a link on this blog post — or on TCTV cable channel 22 in Thurston County. (See info below.) This is PART 1 of a 2-part topic, “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World.” It focuses mostly on the problems. PART 2, the December 2018 program, will focus more on solutions. SEE THE LINK BELOW for a VERY THOROUGH, BLISTERING CRITIQUE of the worldview that has increasingly dominated U.S. politics. Parts 1 and 2 of this program explains that the […]

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Outreach ideas for hard, scary issues

October 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

It is hard to inform and mobilize the public about hard, scary issues such as nuclear weapons, the climate crisis, and Trumpism’s escalating fascism. Typically, we throw facts at people, but people too fearful and powerless to open themselves up psychologically to hear those facts, let alone act upon them. The document I wrote and linked below  can help the public empower themselves to work on serious issues, including the hardest and most  frightening issues. In order to really engage the public on these hard and frightening issues, we must deliberately strategize how to address the public’s fears, feelings of […]

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De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy

October 28, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In 2016 I created a workshop to help people understand the U.S.’s violent foreign policy and see how we might de-militarize it.  I created a handout for people to use during the workshop, and so people anywhere at any time can walk themselves through the process. Here is a link so you can do that:  De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy — WORKSHOP Handout for Participants and Others    

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Thomas Merton’s quotation about the violence in American culture

October 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Thomas Merton, the pacifist philosopher, theologian and mystic, wrote this (probably during the 1960s): “The real focus of American violence is in the very culture itself, its mass media, its extreme individualism and competitiveness, its inflated myths of virility and toughness, and its overwhelming preoccupation with the power of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological, and psychological overkill. If we live in what is essentially a culture of overkill, how can we be surprised at finding violence in it? Can we get to the root of the trouble? In my opinion, the best way to do it would have been the classic way […]

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To Achieve Social Justice, We Must De-Polarize Our Society

October 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Oppressors like to use a “divide-and-conquer” strategy in order to keep the oppressed people from joining together to empower themselves to nonviolently fight against the oppressors. We need to recognize that tactic and refuse to let oppressors polarize us by race or religion or sexual orientation or any other factor. I wrote this article in 2018 and encourage people to read it and use its insights to de-polarize our society so we can join together to work for social justice: De-Polarize    

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Nonviolent resistance: Only 3.5% of population — if sustained — can turn things around. See useful links here.

September 22, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Below is a link to an article that contains a wealth of hyperlinks to resources and information on how the use of nonviolent action has historically and currently produced remarkable successes in US history. The author is Erica Chenoweth, the researcher that I told you about who found, in her research, that when 3.5% of a country’s population was engaged in civil resistance to the status quo, all of the campaigns studies at that level of involvement were successful. I recommend you check it out and follow the many useful hyperlinks.      

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5 Ways Small Actions Have Huge Power

September 22, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Individuals might think they are too small and powerless to accomplish very much. But the article at this link explains that small actions can provide leverage that can accomplish huge positive results:      

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Our local weekly peace vigils attract attention and support!

September 15, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

One way to “think globally and act locally” is to participate in the three peace vigils that occur in Olympia every week! The Wednesday and Friday vigils downtown occur EVERY week, all year around, regardless of weather or holidays. The Thursday bannering at a local freeway overpass occurs when it is not too windy to hold the huge banner safely. Every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1 pm in the NW corner of Sylvester Park (Legion & Capitol Way) since March 5, 1980 Every Thursday from 11 am to 12 noon (current schedule might change in winder, and as weather […]

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Pope Francis OPPOSES the death penalty in ALL cases.

August 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Although the Roman Catholic Church has staked out positions that is says are “pro-life,” the Church has allowed the death penalty in a very few cases, although the Church has opposed the death penalty in general. Just recently Pope Francis came out STRONGLY AGAINST the death penalty in ALL cases.  This is big news from a pope who has been exercising his conscience very well on a number of issues. This article explains his decision:  Pope Francis OPPOSES death penalty in ALL cases This article is about support for his decision:  Support for Pope Francis’ anti-death penalty decision  

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Repeal the military draft law. Here are my responses to government’s questions

August 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

A few months ago the federal government invited people to answer these seven questions about the future of the military draft: 1. Is a military draft or draft contingency still a necessary component of U.S. national security? 2. Are modifications to the selective service system needed? 3. How can the United States increase participation in military, national, and public service by individuals with skills critical to address the national security and other public service needs of the nation? 4. What are the barriers to participation in military, national, or public service? 5. Does service have inherent value, and, if so, […]

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A court victory for civil resistance vs. nuclear weapons!

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

On May 12, 2018, Mother’s Day, members of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action blocked the road leading into the Trident Nuclear Submarine base at Bangor in Kitsap County WA.  (They were on the county’s side of the line, not on the federal side.)  On Friday July 27 the defendants had their mitigation hearings.  Larry Kerschner, a Vietnam veteran who is now a pacifist living in Centralia WA presented his statement to Judge Jeffrey J. Jahns.  Larry was pleased and surprised when the judge responded to Larry’s statement by reducing his $68 fine to zero.  The judge reduced all the […]

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Stop the Endless Wars. Repeal the 2001 AUMF.

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

For decades the Cold War allowed our nation’s militarists — and the weapons manufacturing corporations that fund them — to stampede the U.S. media and politicians and public into decades of recklessly wasteful military spending, including several wars and proxy wars and thousands of nuclear weapons.  They said that this is Priority #1, so we could not afford bold efforts to end poverty, take care of the environment, or do other crucial work. When the Cold War ended, those same vested interests — our nation’s militarists and the weapons manufacturers — and conservative elements that opposed solving our nation’s social […]

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Community Affirmation: Peace, Not Nuclear Weapons

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This Community Affirmation was affirmed at the June 1982 International Religious Convocation for the Second United Nations Special Session on Disarmament.  It remains timely today.   Community Affirmation   We who live in the shadow of the mushroom cloud and the dangers of bullets on our streets Today declare our hope in the future.   From the diversity of our religious traditions We have come to renew our belief in the holiness of the earth and the sanctity of all life. We declare we are at peace with all people of good will.   We need no leader to define […]