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Powerfully inspiring video (only 7 1/2 minutes) about the Green New Deal — by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

April 23, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Many of my friends urged me to watch this powerfully inspiring short video. Finally I watched it. Now I’m sharing it with you and hope it will “go viral.” The Green New Deal would protect our nation far more effectively than militarism does.  The Green New Deal is a proactive way to deal realistically with the serious threats of climate disruption, unemployment, deteriorating infrastructure, depressed local communities, etc.  We should slash the Pentagon budget and generously fund the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal has great power to inspire, educate, motivate, and employ many young people along with […]

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Replace the Electoral College with nationwide Popular Vote

April 23, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Trump is President even though more people voted for his opponent. This has happened several times in U.S. history because the Electoral College — not the total number of votes cast — decides who will be President. When the U.S. Constitution was framed, many compromises were allowed in order to get the various states to adopt it.  One of the compromises is the Electoral College.  It is very UNDEMOCRATIC because it gives states with small populations much more relative power than populous states.  The Electoral College gives each state the number of votes that is the total of its U.S. […]

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Nonviolent resistance is being used effectively in Algeria.

April 22, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Mainstream media do a bad job of covering international news.  Hardly anybody in the U.S. knows that a campaign of nonviolent resistance has toppled a long-standing autocrat in Algeria. The article at the link below affirms the effective use of principled nonviolence in bringing down an oppressor. The Algerian people are using proven strategies and methods of nonviolent action. See many positive examples in this article!      

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Here’s how charter schools are scamming the U.S. government and ripping off taxpayers

April 22, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Conservatives keep wanting to “privatize” everything so businesses can make a lot of money by providing services that governments have been doing.  The experience has been that “privatized” services end up costing more and providing worse service.  Also, governments are accountable to voters, but businesses are not accountable. This is true in our nation’s educational system too.  Vouchers and “charter schools” are vigorously promoted not only because they support capitalism instead of democracy, but also because they allow religious schools to grab taxpayers’ money without having to be fair to the students.  Some of these privately owned schools skim off […]

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“Ranked-Choice Voting Strengthens Democracy”

April 19, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series (see below for info about watching it through your computer or TCTV channel 22) promotes an increasingly popular reform to satisfy voters and improve our elections. To watch the interview, CLICK THIS LINK. To read a thorough summary of what we said in the interview and see links for more information, CLICK THIS LINK.   HERE IS A VERY BRIEF SUMMARY: Everybody knows that our nation’s electoral system is broken in many ways. The problems prevent us from having an honest, vibrant democracy. But a number of remedies do exist. The […]

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Now you can STOP WORRYING about Sea-Level Rise.

April 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

We know the problem with climate deniers. Here is a way to easily accommodate the climate crisis. See the advertisement I wrote and attached to this blog post. CLICK THIS LINK: Buy the Sea-Level-Rise Suspension Package for your next vehicle.docx      

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Let’s get our priorities straight. Trillions of dollars for what?

April 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In order to get the Republican-dominated Senate to approve the New START Treaty, Obama committed the U.S. to replacing ALL of the U.S.’s nuclear weapons (the bombs, the bombers, missiles, submarines, etc.) with expensive new ones. The cost is likely to be about $1.7 TRILLION during the foreseeable future. In December 2017 Congress passed the Trump/Republican tax scam that is estimated to increase the U.S. deficit by a total of $3 TRILLION to $7 TRILLION in its first decade. In 1941 the U.S. jumped into World War II and abruptly stopped huge parts of the civilian economy and started massive […]

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Overall, the U.S. is very rich. Poverty is inexcusable. We must change laws and policies to create a fair economy.

April 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For decades people have kept saying that the U.S. is the richest country on earth. We still are. But tens of millions of Americans suffer poverty, homelessness, lack of health care, lack of hope, and — really — profound alienation from “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” The U.S. keeps falling short of what we promise.  We know it.  The victims of our economic, social and political systems know it.  The politicians know it. So why do the problems persist?  Some people are profiting from the chronic injustices that infect our economic, social and political […]

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Democrats must become TRULY PROGRESSIVE and reject pressure toward “moderation” that merely tweaks the status quo and rebuffs voters who want REAL PROGRESS.

April 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For many years some people have arisen within the Democratic Party and tried to push it toward becoming TRULY PROGRESSIVE.  Whenever this happens, some other people — both within the mainstream Democratic Party and within the mainstream media — urge the Democratic Party to be more moderate instead of progressive. This is happening now again after the November 2018 midterm election.  Progressives achieved great victories.  Progressives want a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, a $15/hour minimum wage, and other strong reforms. But middle-of-the-road Democrats and mainstream media are pushing back.  They think bold progressivism is too bold.  But bold […]

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“Understand Venezuela. Protect its Sovereignty.”

April 3, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Watch my April 2019 TV program on your computer or on TCTV. This month’s episode is:  “Understand Venezuela.  Respect its Sovereignty.” To watch the interview, CLICK THIS LINK. To read a very thorough summary of what we said (and many links for more information sources at the end), CLICK THIS LINK:  2019.04 Summary of Venezuela interview.   The April 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series (see below for info about watching it through your computer or TCTV channel 22) provides fresh information and insights into the crisis in Venezuela. Venezuela is a sovereign nation – a real democracy – […]

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This cartoon shows the real power that people have over politicians

March 31, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Politicians and the mainstream media want us to think that the politicians are powerful and we are merely “subjects” over whom they rule.  Actually, grassroots “people-power” is much stronger — IF WE CHOOSE TO USE OUR POWER. Thomas Jefferson and our nation’s other founders understood that “WE THE PEOPLE” are in charge.  We create governments and elect politicians to act on our behalf, but if they abuse the power we have loaned (NOT “given”) to them, we can pull our power back again and make better choices. A smart political cartoon makes a very clear point.  CLICK THIS LINK:  Cartoon […]

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Gandhi’s Soul Force Vows

March 31, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Gandhi’s Soul Force Vows (Re-envisioned by Mel White) Published on page 13 of the July-August 1998 issue of Fellowship Magazine, published by the Fellowship of Reconciliation 1. Vow to Truth I promise to seek the truth, to live by the truth, and to confront untruth wherever I find it. 2. Vow to Love (Nonviolence) I promise to reject violence (physical violence, spiritual violence, psychological violence) and to use only the methods of nonviolence in my search for truth and my confrontation with untruth. 3. Vow to Absorb Suffering I promise to take on myself without complaint any suffering that […]