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Climate organizing must range from global to local levels

July 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This morning I attended Olympia WA’s “Zero Hour” climate rally that was organized by young person.  The main organizer is 13 years old, and she spoke briefly and capably.  All over the world — and in many U.S. locations — young people organized “Zero Hour” rallies and marches to convey the urgency of the climate crisis.  Young people mobilized to demand an end to the abuses that are curtailing their futures — and to demand sustainable solutions.  For more information see –> The climate crisis is a WORLDWIDE crisis. –> Decades ago Tip O’Neill, the Speaker of the U.S. […]

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Practical and urgent reasons to PROTECT THE WHOLE WORLD’S CLIMATE

July 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Many people seem to think that the climate issue is just another add-on issue to the really important issues (economics, immigration, etc.) that keep getting our attention. WRONG! The climate crisis is a truly existential crisis — like nuclear weapons — that must be solved immediately if civilization is to survive. The climate crisis is both a symptom and a driver of other crucial issues.  The climate crisis is tied up intimately with other crucial issues such as the environment, immigration, governmental corruption, wars for oil, and other factors and consequences. The Pentagon has long recognized the climate crisis as […]

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Climate denial: Three relevant news articles

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

1st article: This article reporting new data about climate denial shows that although fewer persons are outright “deniers,” many who admit that the climate is changing still think “natural causes” rather than human behavior is why the climate is changing. We need to focus our outreach strategies to help skeptical people understand the real reasons why the climate is being disrupted.   2nd article: As far back as 1968, the American Petroleum Institute — the industry’s largest trade association, of which Exxon is a member — received a report warning that, due to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, […]

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Trump wants to use “war powers” to oppose solar and wind — and to promote coal and nuclear power.

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This information came from an excellent source of information and advocacy, Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS).  They — at — and another excellent non-profit organization, Beyond Nuclear — at — reliably provide information and advocacy to stop nuclear power.  Beyond Nuclear also works to abolish nuclear weapons. NIRS reported that on June 1, 2018, Trump announced what NIRS described as: “the most extreme action on nuclear power we have ever seen:  issuing an order to prevent any nuclear reactors and coal plants from closing in the coming years, and forcing Americans to pay power companies whatever it […]

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Trump will crash U.S. economy by committing to coal & oil instead of renewables

June 24, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

For many decades, the huge outside wall of the Greyhound bus station in downtown Olympia WA has proudly proclaimed that bus travel is the modern way to travel in America. I always laugh. But Trump is even more ridiculous when he proposes coal as the modern future for the U.S. Trump is vigorously opposing solar, wind and other renewables. He is committing the U.S. economy to coal and oil as the future. Truly modern nations such China and all of Europe are promoting solar, wind and other renewables. Trump has hitched the U.S.’s economy to a dead horse. While the […]

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Sierra Club’s statement about Trump’s contempt for G-7 and the climate

June 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In mid-June leaders of 7 rich nations are gathering in Canada for a global economic summit. All of the other leaders come from business-friendly political parties, but Trump is so extremely beholden to fossil fuel companies that he denies that the climate crisis is real, and he rejects climate science. Trump arrived a bit late and blamed our economic allies and previous presidents for trade problems.  He left the G-7 summit early, before the world leaders discuss the climate or oceans. Here is information from the Sierra Club, along with a statement from that organization:    

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Changing our economic system can reduce climate disruption

May 26, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The vast majority of people who say they want to protect the climate are stuck within the confines of our current economic system.  This severely restricts the progress we can make.  If we really want to make significant progress, we must change our economic system. In addition to the article by Naomi Klein that I posted just now, see this article from another source.  This website has a variety of information, so look for materials that are relevant to the economic aspects of the climate crisis:

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The world could save $20 TRILLION by getting serious about climate change.

May 26, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This article says that climate disruption will be VERY EXPENSIVE, and that the cost of bold climate action is far, far less than the cost of not taking bold action. Therefore, investing in bold actions to protect the climate would be a very smart investment financially, let alone the human and environmental reasons for protecting the climate. There is a strong financial incentive to fight global warming. A new study says the world could save $20 trillion by limiting warming to the more ambitious Paris Agreement target of 1.5 degrees Celsius.  The Los Angeles Times wrote an article about this. […]

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“A Creative, Practical Way to Fund Jobs, Infrastructure, Climate Cures”

May 20, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” presents an exciting way for the federal government to fund the creation of jobs and solutions to many nationwide problems (housing, climate, etc.).  You can watch Glen Anderson interview Randy Mandell (an expert on Modern Monetary Theory — MMT) at the first link below, and/or read a thorough summary of what we said at the second link.  Near the end of the thorough summary you can see links to many excellent sources of information. To watch the interview, click this link:  WATCH THE INTERVIEW HERE. To read the thorough summary and see […]

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We urgently, desperately need HONEST SCIENCE so we can solve problems

May 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Do you remember the decades-old saying, “Garbage in — Garbage out”?  It referred to the problems with computer systems that receive inputs that are not accurate and — as a result — produce inaccurate outputs. The remedy, of course, is to make sure we have valid, accurate inputs in order to produce good results. Nowadays, the Trump/Republican federal government and many state governments are stuffed with climate deniers, dogmatic religious extremists, and other people who are subservient to special interests.  Instead of open-mindedly and honestly trying to solve problems, they exploit governments in order to distort public policies for corrupt […]

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U.S.’s long history of anti-intellectualism is bearing rotten fruit now

May 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In 1962 the great historian Richard Hofstadter published his book Anti-Intellectualism in American Life.  I bought it in about 1970 and always wanted to read it.  Now I am starting to read it because its message is so horribly relevant now. A long stream of anti-intellectualism has hurt the U.S. in various ways throughout our history.  It seems to be worsening now, as the federal government has made the U.S. a “rogue nation” that denies science in many aspects of public policy (environment, climate, health issues, etc.) and deletes honest, accurate scientific information from the federal government’s websites.  Under Trump […]

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“Peak Oil” was about SUPPLY. Now we’re experiencing “Peak DEMAND.”

April 29, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In 2004, 2005, and a bit beyond, people (including me) were writing a lot about “Peak Oil.”  (If you want links to articles, etc., contact me at “Peak Oil” was about a peak in SUPPLY, resulting in several kinds of crises (economic, political, etc.) when the SUPPLY reaches its peak and starts to decline. Now we are facing a peak in DEMAND.  The climate crisis is forcing governments, businesses, and consumers to practice serious conservation and to convert to renewable energy.  This new “Peak DEMAND” will cause crises too.  Oil companies, transportation companies, etc., face serious problems like those […]

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Bold Economic Strategy to Create Jobs, Fund Infrastructure & Health & Climate, etc.

April 29, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Our nation needs many expensive remedies, including jobs, education, health, infrastructure, protection for our environment and climate, etc. Politicians keep saying we can’t afford them.  They are WRONG because they are trapped in the conventional misunderstandings about economics, the federal budget, etc.  They assume that taxes are the starting point, and we can’t increase taxes. Actually, the starting point is CREDIT.  Banks create money out of thin air by issuing loans with promises that the loans will be repaid later.  The federal government already has the authority to increase spending through a method that is more bold than mere Keynesianism.  […]