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Russian nuclear-powered missile explodes, kills people, and contaminates area. We must STOP the new arms race!

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This outrageous accident on August 8, 2019, should be yet another wake-up call to the whole world.  We must abolish nuclear weapons! Nuclear warheads are placed on missiles, but Russia designed a missile that itself is powered by a small nuclear reactor onboard.  This power source would enable Russia’s nuclear missile to stay aloft for a very long time and attack a target anywhere in the world. On August 8, 2019, one of these missiles blew up, killed some scientists and engineers, and contaminated the nearby geographical area.  Russia designed this horrible nuclear-powered missile in order to overcome the U.S.’s […]

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Military spending HURTS job creation. Lavishing billions on the Pentagon does NOT help employment.

August 13, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For more than half a century, economists have been PROVING that military spending does NOT create jobs. A billion dollars spent on education, housing, health, or other civilian activities creates MORE jobs than spending that billion dollars on the military. Indeed, a sentence way down in the article linked below says:  “Military spending actually proved to be the worst job creator of any federal government spending option those researchers analyzed.” If we want jobs, we should CUT military spending and INCREASE spending for worthwhile civilian activities. Now after more than half a century of articles reporting these findings, here is […]

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The world is uniting for international law, against US empire.

August 13, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The world is uniting for international law, against US empire. Below I have linked an informative article (Aug 12, 2019, by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers) that focuses especially on the U.S.’s failure to overthrow Venezuela’s government.  It mentions the Non-Aligned Movement as a mobilizing force. Besides opposing the U.S.’s “regime-change” efforts, the article also opposes the U.S.’s cruel economic sanctions against many nations, and it upholds international law. Here is the interesting, informative article:

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TRULY ALARMING comparisons between how Trump and Hitler gained power!

August 13, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

An experienced and prominent civil rights lawyer lists 20 ways Trump is copying Hitler’s early rhetoric and policies. This is not a trivial rant, but rather a VERY SOLID AND SUBSTANTIVE comparison that is TRULY ALARMING! The title of the article I linked below is “Civil rights lawyer: 20 ways Trump is copying Hitler’s early rhetoric and policies.” The subtitle is “Civil liberties lawyer Burt Neuborne questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.” The author’s book says our nation’s checks and balances might not be enough to protect us from Trump’s Hitlerian rhetoric and policies based […]

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U.S. has committed more “crimes against humanity and more genocide than any other nation since World War II

August 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The article at this link —–We-Will-Break-by-Dennis-Kaiser-Breaking-All-The-Rules_Investigation-190324-34.html — provides powerful information. The article explains the U.S. government’s hostility to human rights and international law.  The U.S. government is antagonistic toward the International Criminal Court (ICC). A summary says this: No country in the post WWII era has committed so many crimes against humanity, and supported so many genocides, as the United States of America. And in summary, no other part of the world has murdered more people on our planet, than Europe. And most North Americans are descendants of the Europeans. The ‘foreign policy’ of the US is directly derived from […]

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Thom Hartmann’s 10-minute video says TRUMP IS SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL.

August 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The problem is not just that Trump is wrong on the issues.  The more serious reality is that TRUMP IS SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL. Trumps serious mental illness has made the U.S. a MUCH WORSE place than before he took office. He is deliberately provoking racism and violence against vulnerable people.  He has targeted and abused Muslims, Latinos, African Americans, LGBTQ people, poor people, the working class, and other vulnerable people because he is a bully, and bullies attack vulnerable people.  His mental illness and corruption have hurt our economy in many ways. His serious mental illness has RECKLESSLY ENDANGERED PLANET […]

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On Aug. 2, 2019, Trump’s withdrawal from the INF treaty went into effect.

August 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

On October 20, 2018, Trump announced that he was unilaterally pulling the U.S. out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, effective on August 2, 2019. That is today. See this information from the Quaker-based lobby Friends Committee on National Legislation ( Our local Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear weapons is part of the statewide coalition, Washington Against Nuclear Weapons (, which was created by Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility ( See their e-mail from August 2, most of which I have copied here: Withdrawing from the INF Treaty is Bad for Our Health Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility […]

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Does Trump think he would win a nuclear war? The Pentagon agrees with him!

August 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Trump’s threats of using nuclear weapons in Afghanistan (recently) and North Korea and elsewhere are not merely his own psychologically distorted fantasies. Trump’s threats also reflect several decades of official thinking and planning in the Pentagon – and the purposes of some of the new nuclear weapons that the U.S. has been building for several decades. Just recently the Joint Chiefs of Staff wrote this in a formal document:  “Using nuclear weapons could create conditions for decisive results and the restoration of strategic stability. Specifically, the use of a nuclear weapon will fundamentally change the scope of a battle and […]

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Democratic Party FAILS TO CHALLENGE Trump’s foreign policy!

July 31, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Many times every day now I receive e-mails from various parts of the Democratic Party asking me to donate money.  Their opening request invites me to choose my favorite presidential candidates — and sometimes to identify the issues that I care about the most. They list many DOMESTIC issues (jobs, gay rights, college debt, etc.), but ALMOST NEVER ASK ABOUT FOREIGN POLICY or the federal budget’s domination by military spending or the U.S.’s perpetual violations of human rights around the world. This implies that THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS WILLING TO GO ALONG WITH TRUMP’S FOREIGN POLICY! A few of these […]

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Groups working to reduce gun violence ALWAYS NEGLECT to oppose war and military violence, which set the tone for gun violence within the U.S.

July 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Just now I responded to an e-mail survey sent out by a prominent nationwide non-profit org that works to reduce gun violence throughout the U.S. They asked what their top priority should be. I said they should work to stop all of the U.S.’s war’ and de-militarize our foreign policy. I told them that the U.S.’s addiction to war and military violence create a culture that assumes shooting people is a good way to solve problems. The U.S.’s persistent militarism sets the tone for gun violence within the U.S. This really is “the elephant in the room” that the anti-gun […]

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MORE good news: House Votes to Defund TWO New Nuclear Weapons Programs

July 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Contrary to the “conventional wisdom” that nuclear weapons protect us, they actually ENDANGER us.  Nuclear weapons THREATEN our national security and the security of everyone else on Planet Earth. Just now I posted to my blog the GOOD NEWS that the House has refused to spend money for a reckless new nuclear weapon.  Now THIS blog post reports on a second one that the House has refused to fund. This information came in late June 2019 from a different source, the Arms Control Association (, a long-standing and well-respected organization working to limit nuclear weapons: House Votes to Defund Two […]

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GOOD NEWS: U.S. House votes to stop new nuclear weapons in Trump’s budget

July 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

On June 25, 2019, the national office of Physicians for Social Responsibility ( announced this good news: U.S. House votes to stop new nuclear weapons in Trump’s budget The so-called “low-yield” nuclear weapon (W76-2) would NOT be a step toward peace, but rather a nuclear weapon that a president and the Pentagon would consider more “usable” and therefore more likely to be used. Realistic people recognized that if this “usable” nuclear weapon were used, it would rapidly escalate into an all-out nuclear war. Therefore, the peace movement and other reasonable people have been opposing it. Now the U.S. House has […]

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4th of July is Trump’s excuse to glorify himself at taxpayers’ expense

July 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For many years a Fourth of July celebration in Washington DC has been NON-PARTISAN celebration of our nation.  But in 2019 Trump hijacked it and made it about him and his partisan supporters: In early July the Washington Post and other reliable sources reported that Trump has forced the National Parks Service (which is already underfunded and unable to keep up with necessary maintenance) to divert $2.5 million that had been intended for improving parks, so the NPS can pay for costs related to Trump’s Fourth of July event on the National Mall. The entire extravaganza will be very […]

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Click links to see resources about nuclear weapons

June 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Since the 1940s the U.S. has been provoking a nuclear arms race and escalating the dangers.  Only during a few short periods of time when the public organized strong opposition did the government ease up, sign treaties, and reduce its efforts.  Now we must rise up again and organize a strong movement to stop the massive escalation that is underway now.  Beyond that, we must organize a strong movement to abolish nuclear weapons altogether. The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is an active member of a statewide coalition, Washington Against Nuclear Weapons ( WANW has conducted day-long workshops to […]

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URGENT! Tell Congress to prevent Trump from starting war against Iran

June 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Trump keeps threatening war against Iran.  His National Security Advisor John Bolton is salivating at the possibility of starting that war, which Bolton has been urging for many, many years.  His Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also is a hawk supporting war. The Constitution EXPLICITLY states that ONLY CONGRESS can declare war.  A president cannot start a war based on his own authority.  The U.S. has been violating the Constitution for many decades!  After 9-11-2001 the Bush/Cheney regime pushed Congress to delegate Congress’s authority to the president through a sweeping open-ended “Authorization to Use Military Force” (AUMF), which lets to […]