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Let’s build savvy grassroots movements to expand the range of what is “politically feasible.”

September 18, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Elected officials, newspaper editorial boards, and other official power-holders shy away from making the bold, humane changes for social and economic justice because they say those bold reforms are not “politically feasible.” Our job is to organize strategically from the grassroots to build movements that expand the range of what is “politically feasible,” so our demands will become obviously necessary instead of dismissed as unrealistic.   Instead of lamenting “ain’t-it-awful,” let’s change the awful realities by organizing strategically savvy grassroots movements! I encourage you to SIGN UP NOW for the series of 6 weekly workshops starting on YOUR CHOICE of […]

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Recent actions by Trump & Republicans validate what I wrote and posted here about their mania to PREVENT government from functioning well.

August 31, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

In 2017 I wrote a thorough essay explaining that Trump, the Republican Party, big business, and other conservatives are hell-bent to PREVENT the government from solving problems.  Their whole “worldview” supports their mania to enable their elites (whites, rich people, big business, “patriotic” Americans, etc.) DOMINATE EVERYBODY ELSE. Although decent people want fairness and justice throughout our society and in the economy, and fairness and peace in our nation’s dealing with other nations, Trump, Republicans, etc., reject that and are RADICALLY DESTROYING humane governmental, social and economic policies in order to enable rich, racist, cruel people to PREVENT the government […]

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“Universal Single-Payer Health Care Now! Don’t Let this Good Crisis Go to Waste.”

August 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

We Need Universal Single-Payer Health Care Now! The September 2020 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” examines our nation’s persistent failure to provide health care for everybody, persistent failure to control costs, and chronic injustices in paying the bills.  The U.S. spends twice as much per capita than other nations do, but many millions of Americans have no health care at all, and Americans’ health outcomes are worse than other nations. Two knowledgeable guests explain the problems in clear, understandable ways – and they propose a smart, cost-effective way to cover everybody with high quality health care at lower cost than […]

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“Let’s Boldly Create the Future We Really Want”

August 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2020 TV program for the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series addresses the serious problems that we are experiencing and encourages people to boldly envision solutions. People know the status quo is bad – and they want to solve the problems. But nearly everybody is bogged down in feeling powerless.  They don’t feel empowered to solve the problems, and they don’t know how to proceed. This TV program — and the transcript I have posted at this link,  2020.06 BOLD FUTURE — TRANSCRIPT with MORE INFORMATION and RESOURCES — start by confronting the serious problems in our world, our nation, […]

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Military weapons could NOT save us from Coronavirus! We must REDUCE weaponry and care for people instead!

June 21, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

If your only tool is a hammer, you will treat every problem as if it were a nail. The U.S. is SO HEAVILY MILITARIZED that our REAL SECURITY is SUFFERING!!! Congress keeps wasting our tax dollars on military weapons that DID NOT PROTECT US from Coronavirus. Trump eliminated two federal offices that had been planning to deal with pandemics because he wanted to spend that money on militarism. Read this one-page article that I wrote a few days ago: Military weapons could not save us from Coronavirus Ordinary people need to organize a powerful grassroots movement to SLASH the Pentagon […]

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Trump’s seriously dysfunctional psychology keeps getting worse — with VERY DANGEROUS implications.

June 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I keep seeing more and more information about Trump’s serious psychological problems.  Trump’s bizarre, reckless, hate-filled rhetoric and behavior are alarming — and DANGEROUS for our nation and for the world.  Also, many psychologists and psychologists keep writing and speaking about his psychological disabilities and dangers. He is absolutely obsessed with bragging about himself and what an excellent job he is doing as President.  He said his performance regarding Coronavirus would rate 10 on a 10-point scale.  Even when he is supposed to be honoring somebody else, he exploits that occasion and focuses largely on praising himself.  He wasted taxpayers’ […]

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Locally and nationwide, we must CHANGE THE POLITICAL CULTURE. Sign up for these practical workshops.

June 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Governments are the LAST to figure things out. (Mainstream news media are the next-to-last.) They will do what we want ONLY WHEN a strong nonviolent grassroots movement forces them to do what is needed. Recent history has proved this a number of times. (In the 1960s Congress passed civil rights legislation only because the Civil Rights Movement forced them to. President Obama opposed LGBTQ rights to marriage until the grassroots movement forced him to support equal rights. The list goes on and on.) Our local community includes a number of people who want to protect the environment – and protect […]

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Trump and Republicans are hell-bent to PREVENT government from solving problems!

June 12, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Our nation, our people, our environment, our health — EVERYTHING — is suffering under the weight of a HUGE NUMBER OF PROBLEMS! But Trump and the Republicans are HELL-BENT TO PREVENT GOVERNMENT FROM SOLVING the problems! A while ago I wrote a thorough article that examines and criticizes the worldview of the conservatives that has been hurting us in many ways.  The article is long but full of insights.  I encourage people to read it here:  This Currently Dominant Worldview Hurts Us in Many Ways — and PREVENTS Governments from Solving Problems The Coronavirus pandemic, massive unemployment, racial injustices, police […]

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Besides the rising suicide rates, Americans are dying from DESPAIR

May 26, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I have been reading articles lately saying that — even before the Coronavirus pandemic caused even more stress — suicide rates in the U.S. have been increasing.  Working class people and small farmers are under extreme financial stresses.  Many other systemic problems have been worsening. Now with the Coronavirus pandemic, suicides are increasing even more. But EVEN BEFORE that, I was also reading articles saying people are dying from DESPAIR. This article linked below came from January 2020.  The article includes this paragraph: U.S. life expectancy dropped three years in a row, America’s suicide rate is at a record high, […]

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Here is the link to Gov. Inslee’s plan for a phased recovery from Coronavirus distancing, etc.

May 24, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Washington State was the first state to be hit by the Coronavirus.  Fortunately, we have a competent state governor and health department, so they took prompt, smart, effective actions.  This is very different from states that are run by Republicans and science deniers.  Here in Washington State we “leveled the curve” effectively.  As a result, the numbers of active cases in Washington State have peaked and declined. Governor Jay Inslee took actions and recently released a four-stage for slowly, reasonably reducing our “social distancing” and other precautions. Here is a link to Gov. Inslee’s plan for a phased recovery.  It […]

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Republicans are NOT “pro-life.” They keep doing stupid, cruel things that hurt our nation and our people

May 23, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Do NOT let anyone tell you that Republicans are “pro-life.”  Their actual decisions are the OPPOSITE! Republicans define “life” so narrowly that it pertains only to fetuses.  But once the child is born, Republicans are TAKING AWAY HEALTH CARE and TAKING AWAY FOOD from children who need them.  Also, Republicans keep TAKING AWAY HEALTH CARE and keep TAKING AWAY FOOD from pregnant women, so Republicans are KNOWINGLY HURTING FETUSES too. Jesus fed hungry people and healed sick people.  Republicans do the opposite, but they pretend to be Christians.  On many, many occasions Jesus strongly criticized the HYPOCRITES who pretend to […]

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Hot news about Trump’s scam about Hydroxychloroquine

May 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump has been VIGOROUSLY promoting Hydroxycholoroquine  REPEATEDLY in his official presidential TV broadcasts. Recently it was reported that Trump owns part of a company that makes the snake oil medicine he has been VIGOROUSLY promoting. He was using his power as President of the U.S. to make presidential briefings on nationwide TV networks about the Coronavirus pandemic that is devastating our nation.  But — instead of providing truthful information — he turned these nationwide broadcasts into “INFO-MERCIALS” in which Trump (a notorious liar and pitch-man for his many fraudulent business scams) promoted what could be called a “snake oil: medicine made […]

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U.S. ranks low among rich nations on several measures of well-being, so we were already weak when COVID-19 hit — and are slow to recover from it.

May 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Four months after the November 2016 election, it was clear what Trump and Congress’s Republicans would do.  Here is what I had written in March 2017 to expose the “Make America Great” baloney: The new administration and Congress want to weaken or abolish many laws and regulations that have been protecting the environment. This would cause more pollution. A polluted nation is not “great.” A polluted nation is dirty, and it makes people sick. If we want our nation to be “great,” we must demand that governments at all levels – federal, state and local – take strong actions to […]

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This context explains Trump’s refusal to protect us from Coronavirus and Trump’s destruction of governmental functioning

May 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

You already know that Trump and his entire Executive Branch have utterly refused to deal effectively with the Coronavirus pandemic. The reason is NOT ONLY because they are stupid and incompetent. Another crucially important reason for their failure is that Trump and Republicans believe the government should NOT solve problems and should NOT help people. They have been SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYING GOVERNMENT bit by bit. We see it especially now.   I wrote a SHORT ARTICLE explaining this: Our society is suffering in many, many ways. The problems are all around us — and they are interconnected. They are rooted in […]

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A Department of Actual Defense in a Time of Coronavirus

May 12, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. wastes our tax dollars on militarism and nuclear weapons, when we should be funding better health. You cannot defeat Coronavirus with nuclear weapons or any kind of military violence. This article by David Swanson urges us to think differently – and to push our government to act more wisely and effectively: A Department of Actual Defense in a Time of Coronavirus By David Swanson