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Register now for SUN OCT 18 7:00 pm Zoom “ACTION HOUR” to take quick actions to protect democracy from Trump’s coup

October 18, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

More and more people are alerting the public and organizing nonviolent actions to protect honest democracy from Trump’s coup, which is already underway and will likely proceed beyond election day. I’ll send you info about that today, but right now you can SIGN UP FOR TONIGHT’S “ACTION HOUR” on Zoom so you can take quick actions to protect the election and stop Trump’s coup. Here is information I edited from an organizer of TONIGHT’S “ACTION HOUR” on Zoom:   Join with other people to take preventative action to stop Trump’s coup and support a free and fair election! Register now […]

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Green New Deal: Here are several good articles, etc.

September 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

We need a Green New Deal right now:   Buy the book, “WINNING THE GREEN NEW DEAL”: I always buy from locally owned bookstores instead of national chains.  Here is information from the publisher:   Naomi Klein: The Green New Deal Is Changing the Calculus of the Possible. She says big ideas are the only ones that can realistically tackle the climate crisis.   Yes, we really can fix our problems.  In the 1930s the New Deal was bold and significantly helped solve our nation’s problems then.  Now we must pass the GREEN New Deal.  Strongly urge […]

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Let’s build savvy grassroots movements to expand the range of what is “politically feasible.”

September 18, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Elected officials, newspaper editorial boards, and other official power-holders shy away from making the bold, humane changes for social and economic justice because they say those bold reforms are not “politically feasible.” Our job is to organize strategically from the grassroots to build movements that expand the range of what is “politically feasible,” so our demands will become obviously necessary instead of dismissed as unrealistic.   Instead of lamenting “ain’t-it-awful,” let’s change the awful realities by organizing strategically savvy grassroots movements! I encourage you to SIGN UP NOW for the series of 6 weekly workshops starting on YOUR CHOICE of […]

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Nuclear power is bad in many ways — and NOT good for the climate!

September 18, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

For decades, knowledgeable people have known that nuclear power is bad in many, many ways. Now, although some people claim nuclear power is a viable alternative to fossil fuels, knowledgeable people explain why it is BAD FOR THE CLIMATE TOO. Here are links to a few articles about nuclear power, including its harm to the climate:   Nuclear reactors make climate change worse:   Sea level rise threatens nuclear power waste sites:   Click link to tell Congress that nuclear power is NOT a remedy for the climate crisis:   The non-profit organization that provided the link […]

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Recent actions by Trump & Republicans validate what I wrote and posted here about their mania to PREVENT government from functioning well.

August 31, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

In 2017 I wrote a thorough essay explaining that Trump, the Republican Party, big business, and other conservatives are hell-bent to PREVENT the government from solving problems.  Their whole “worldview” supports their mania to enable their elites (whites, rich people, big business, “patriotic” Americans, etc.) DOMINATE EVERYBODY ELSE. Although decent people want fairness and justice throughout our society and in the economy, and fairness and peace in our nation’s dealing with other nations, Trump, Republicans, etc., reject that and are RADICALLY DESTROYING humane governmental, social and economic policies in order to enable rich, racist, cruel people to PREVENT the government […]

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Get info about electric vehicles at online event on WED SEPT 16

August 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Have you been thinking about getting a plug-in car? If you are — OR IF YOU’RE JUST CURIOUS AND OPEN TO LEARNING — here is your opportunity to hear some local people who own and drive them discuss what that’s been like for them. Charging into the Future: Get Charged Up about Electric Vehicles Wednesday, September 16, 7:00 PM You’ve got questions about Electric Vehicles? We’ve got answers! Join us for a lively panel of local EV owners sharing all of the things you need to know about buying and owning an EV. You can register at     […]

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Sign up now for SAT SEPT 26 Youth Climate Webinar. I know these 5 teenagers. They are great!

August 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Wow! Youth Voices on Climate Justice Saturday, September 26th at 2:00 PM REGISTER HERE!  Five local teenagers whom I know and respect INVITE YOU to participate in their inspiring webinar. Hear their insights — and consider taking actions they recommend. All ages of people can work together to solve the climate problems. These young people are savvy and focused. I signed up for their SAT SEPT 26 webinar, and I hope you will too.   Moderator:  Louisa Sevier | Youth Legislative Officer | Olympia High School Panelists: Kaylee Shen | President of Climate Action Club | Olympia High School Rebecca Mcmillin-Hastings | President of Capital Climate […]

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“Let’s Boldly Create the Future We Really Want”

August 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2020 TV program for the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series addresses the serious problems that we are experiencing and encourages people to boldly envision solutions. People know the status quo is bad – and they want to solve the problems. But nearly everybody is bogged down in feeling powerless.  They don’t feel empowered to solve the problems, and they don’t know how to proceed. This TV program — and the transcript I have posted at this link,  2020.06 BOLD FUTURE — TRANSCRIPT with MORE INFORMATION and RESOURCES — start by confronting the serious problems in our world, our nation, […]

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URGENT: Click links to tell Congress to CUT 10% from Pentagon budget!

July 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Our nation has very serious needs that are grossly underfunded. Congress keeps giving the Pentagon far too much money for violence. A strong movement is building to CUT 10% from the Pentagon budget and use it for better purposes. CLICK THIS LINK to tell Congress:   Many organizations are PUSHING HARD to cut the Pentagon Budget by 10% and use the savings to fund the serious human and environmental needs that are grossly underfunded.  I’m impressed with how many non-profit orgs are pushing for this 10% opportunity.  Many very different kinds of orgs are onboard with this.  It is highly relevant to […]

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The U.S. is building plutonium-based nuclear weapons in a seismically UNSAFE bldg in an earthquake zone

July 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

This problem is BI-PARTISAN.  It was bad under Obama, and Trump is continuing the problem.   I have been reading the powerfully informative publications of this excellent non-profit organization, the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA, for many years, and I have enjoyed donating significant amounts of money to help their work to protect the world (and their local region around Oak Ridge, Tennessee) from nuclear weapons. I have been following their work regarding the actual dangers of earthquakes where the U.S. government is making plutonium parts for nuclear weapons.  The government keeps denying the danger.  OREPA actually won […]

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Earthquakes and rising sea levels vs. nuclear power plants

July 3, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Issues are interconnected! The climate crisis is causing sea levels to rise. Nuclear power plants need cooling, so they are built near bodies of water (rivers, ocean coastlines, etc.).  In fact, 40% of the world’s nuclear reactors sit on coastlines, where sea-level rise, earthquakes and tsunamis endanger them and can cause catastrophes for huge portions of the world. For example, the nuclear power plants at Fukushima, Japan, melted down when an earthquake struck them and a tsunami resulted from the earthquake and caused even more damage.  Even now — nine years later — radiation is still spewing into the Pacific […]

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Voters are much more progressive than the institutional Democratic Party and its timid Joe Biden.

June 23, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Public opinion polling shows majorities of the public — especially Democrats but also large numbers of Independents and Republicans — urging VERY BOLD public policies, such as: Getting big money out of political campaigns Providing a nationwide system of good quality health care for every person Strong actions to protect the climate Protecting ordinary people from big business’s abuses Sharply reducing police violence And much more … During the 2020 primary election season, Bernie Sanders campaigned on boldly progressive issues, and he won huge numbers of votes from many kinds of people, including the working class, minorities, and other segments […]

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Locally and nationwide, we must CHANGE THE POLITICAL CULTURE. Sign up for these practical workshops.

June 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Governments are the LAST to figure things out. (Mainstream news media are the next-to-last.) They will do what we want ONLY WHEN a strong nonviolent grassroots movement forces them to do what is needed. Recent history has proved this a number of times. (In the 1960s Congress passed civil rights legislation only because the Civil Rights Movement forced them to. President Obama opposed LGBTQ rights to marriage until the grassroots movement forced him to support equal rights. The list goes on and on.) Our local community includes a number of people who want to protect the environment – and protect […]

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Trump’s WAR AGAINST HONEST SCIENCE is hurting our health — and hurting planet earth

June 12, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

See this information about anti-science “deniers” who deny realities about the climate crisis and COVID-19: The article linked here is titled, “COVIDeniers: Anti-Science Coronavirus Denial Overlaps with Climate Denial.” This article is short. It ends with links to additional information about this:   Republican politicians harass and even fire honest scientists: In Florida, an honest scientist who worked on Florida’s Coronavirus Database says she was pressured to censor the data, so when she insisted on doing her work honestly, she was fired for her honesty.  See this article:   Trump has SERIOUSLY CORRUPTED the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) […]

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Trump and Republicans are hell-bent to PREVENT government from solving problems!

June 12, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Our nation, our people, our environment, our health — EVERYTHING — is suffering under the weight of a HUGE NUMBER OF PROBLEMS! But Trump and the Republicans are HELL-BENT TO PREVENT GOVERNMENT FROM SOLVING the problems! A while ago I wrote a thorough article that examines and criticizes the worldview of the conservatives that has been hurting us in many ways.  The article is long but full of insights.  I encourage people to read it here:  This Currently Dominant Worldview Hurts Us in Many Ways — and PREVENTS Governments from Solving Problems The Coronavirus pandemic, massive unemployment, racial injustices, police […]