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Rich people and profitable big businesses escape taxes. We must TAX RICH PEOPLE + BIG BUSINESSES!

April 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Since the 1970s extreme conservatives — including those in big business — have become very aggressive in building political power.  The Powell Memo (if you don’t know what it is, a web search will quickly tell you) and extremely rich people led to the creation of very conservative and right-wing “think tanks” and media and organizing within the Republican Party. Now they have taken over the Republican Party and the U.S. government:  Congress, the Executive Branch (including cabinet members and agency heads), and the Supreme Court. Part of their agenda has been to slash taxes for rich people and big […]

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Several reasons why the right wing has built its power at the expense of liberals and the Left

April 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The article at this link provides insights into the effectiveness of RIGHT-WING MEMES — and why the Left falls short in that:   The Left had raised the issue of “globalization,” but the Right stole the issue and converted it into right-wing nationalism, racism, and anti-immigrant hysteria.  This allowed Trump and right-wing extremists to gain power in various countries that used to be “liberal democracies.”  This article provides insights:   In the U.S and elsewhere, the dominant economic and political systems are not working, so mainstream (“white”) people feel victimized.  The right wing has promoted the current conservative […]

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Articles + videos: Greta Thunberg, Swedish teenager, speaks boldly to world leaders about climate crisis

April 29, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

An amazing 16-year-old from Sweden has spoken many times to groups of powerful leaders in many countries, including international gatherings.  Greta Thunberg has impressed people with her bold critique of the problems that led to the climate crisis — and her bold critique of powerful people and bodies that fail to take necessary actions. Her speeches have been videotaped and can be watched.  Some copies of her texts are also available.  Here are some links.   Greta Thunberg continues speaking boldly to world leaders. In April 2019 she spoke to some members of the UK’s House of Commons. The text […]

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Yes, we can organize more effectively at the grassroots for many important issues.

April 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Globally, nationally, and locally, we are confronted with very serious problems. Some people feel overwhelmed and disempowered, so they feel powerless to solve the problems.  But that only allows the horrible problems to get worse. I strongly support the opposite approach:  Recognize that WE CAN INDEED LEARN HOW TO ORGANIZE EFFECTIVELY at the grassroots level (“Think globally and act locally”) to solve the problems. Sometimes people and organizations merely vent or flail about with random activities without a clear strategy for how to make the political and social changes we want.  We can do better than that! Specifically, I seek […]

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Do not let assumptions about “human nature” interfere with the bold social and political reforms we are working toward.

April 25, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Sometimes when we work to significantly improve our society or our politics, people will try to inhibit our efforts by saying, “You can’t change human nature.” They assume that “human nature” is fixed and impervious to improvement. Actually, history has proven otherwise. People have indeed made radical progressive changes, and we can accomplish more. We do not need to “change human nature.” If we change our society so it will function better, people will change for the better too. So, for example, instead of assuming that “human nature” causes people to be greedy, let’s change our economic system and our […]

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Washington State’s tax regressive system is grossly unjust. The poor pay too much. The rich pay too little.

April 25, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For decades Washington State has had THE VERY WORST tax system in the U.S.  It is horribly REGRESSIVE.  This means that poor people pay a high percentage of their income and rich people pay a low percentage. About 50 years ago I read a historian’s book chapter explaining how it was that Washington State has always opposed an income tax and supported a sales tax, while Oregon (our neighbor to the south) had a history of the exact opposite.  I don’t remember the historical reasons now, but the legacy continues to hurt Washington State and especially our poor and working […]

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Powerfully inspiring video (only 7 1/2 minutes) about the Green New Deal — by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

April 23, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Many of my friends urged me to watch this powerfully inspiring short video. Finally I watched it. Now I’m sharing it with you and hope it will “go viral.” The Green New Deal would protect our nation far more effectively than militarism does.  The Green New Deal is a proactive way to deal realistically with the serious threats of climate disruption, unemployment, deteriorating infrastructure, depressed local communities, etc.  We should slash the Pentagon budget and generously fund the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal has great power to inspire, educate, motivate, and employ many young people along with […]

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Here’s how charter schools are scamming the U.S. government and ripping off taxpayers

April 22, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Conservatives keep wanting to “privatize” everything so businesses can make a lot of money by providing services that governments have been doing.  The experience has been that “privatized” services end up costing more and providing worse service.  Also, governments are accountable to voters, but businesses are not accountable. This is true in our nation’s educational system too.  Vouchers and “charter schools” are vigorously promoted not only because they support capitalism instead of democracy, but also because they allow religious schools to grab taxpayers’ money without having to be fair to the students.  Some of these privately owned schools skim off […]

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Sign petition to reject Trump’s horribly unqualified right-wing nominee Stephen Moore from serving on Federal Reserve Board.

April 13, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

During 2015 and 2016 Trump had campaigned with a promise to hire only “the best people.”  Instead, he has hired and appointed a whole slew of extreme right-wingers who are grossly unqualified, horribly corrupt, and/or maliciously cruel. In early April 2019 good political observers and non-profit organizations alerted us that Trump has nominated to the Governing Board of the Federal Reserve an appallingly horrible right-winger named Stephen Moore. CREDO Action ( reported:  “The seven members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors oversee the central banking system and U.S. monetary policy. If you are not sure exactly what they do, […]

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Let’s get our priorities straight. Trillions of dollars for what?

April 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In order to get the Republican-dominated Senate to approve the New START Treaty, Obama committed the U.S. to replacing ALL of the U.S.’s nuclear weapons (the bombs, the bombers, missiles, submarines, etc.) with expensive new ones. The cost is likely to be about $1.7 TRILLION during the foreseeable future. In December 2017 Congress passed the Trump/Republican tax scam that is estimated to increase the U.S. deficit by a total of $3 TRILLION to $7 TRILLION in its first decade. In 1941 the U.S. jumped into World War II and abruptly stopped huge parts of the civilian economy and started massive […]

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Overall, the U.S. is very rich. Poverty is inexcusable. We must change laws and policies to create a fair economy.

April 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For decades people have kept saying that the U.S. is the richest country on earth. We still are. But tens of millions of Americans suffer poverty, homelessness, lack of health care, lack of hope, and — really — profound alienation from “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” The U.S. keeps falling short of what we promise.  We know it.  The victims of our economic, social and political systems know it.  The politicians know it. So why do the problems persist?  Some people are profiting from the chronic injustices that infect our economic, social and political […]

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Democrats must become TRULY PROGRESSIVE and reject pressure toward “moderation” that merely tweaks the status quo and rebuffs voters who want REAL PROGRESS.

April 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For many years some people have arisen within the Democratic Party and tried to push it toward becoming TRULY PROGRESSIVE.  Whenever this happens, some other people — both within the mainstream Democratic Party and within the mainstream media — urge the Democratic Party to be more moderate instead of progressive. This is happening now again after the November 2018 midterm election.  Progressives achieved great victories.  Progressives want a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, a $15/hour minimum wage, and other strong reforms. But middle-of-the-road Democrats and mainstream media are pushing back.  They think bold progressivism is too bold.  But bold […]

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“Understand Venezuela. Protect its Sovereignty.”

April 3, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Watch my April 2019 TV program on your computer or on TCTV. This month’s episode is:  “Understand Venezuela.  Respect its Sovereignty.” To watch the interview, CLICK THIS LINK. To read a very thorough summary of what we said (and many links for more information sources at the end), CLICK THIS LINK:  2019.04 Summary of Venezuela interview.   The April 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series (see below for info about watching it through your computer or TCTV channel 22) provides fresh information and insights into the crisis in Venezuela. Venezuela is a sovereign nation – a real democracy – […]